Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE

D liked Polly pocket briefly and My Little Pony. S liked dinosaurs. Both of them liked stuffed animals. Both loved Lego and wooden blocks and wooden trains.

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My son has done that off and on for years.

I love the color pink but have surprisingly little in my own wardrobe. H refuses to dress up for anything/anytime so that’s not even a consideration.

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Ordered a Barbie t-shirt to wear when I see the movie next week with my mom on my bday. :sparkling_heart:

(Hubby said he would have gone with me….and said he would have worn a Ken tshirt, too! He’s a good sport.)

I also ordered a Barbenheimer tshirt to wear when we (DH, younger son, and I) see Oppenheimer this weekend.

I rarely go to movies. Rarely. When I do, you know it’s a blockbuster bc I’m very much a homebody and it takes a lot to get me into a movie theater. :blush:


Me too!! Double blockbuster then. :laughing:


We enjoyed Oppenheimer – found the acting outstanding, learned a lot, and the flash-bang-booms were sufficient.


My kids are both very interested in the technology used in movies. They were impressed by the minimal use of CGI in both Oppenheimer (real explosions!) and Barbie (hand painted backdrops!)


I don’t want to include too many spoilers, but the shockwave noise made me jump


I went to see Barbie with my daughters and oldest granddaughter. We had planned to follow up with Oppenheimer but decided after seeing Barbie that we didn’t want to see both in one day. We were in a small theater in a resort area so we saw most of the folks coming in and going out; there were just a few folks dressed in pink (three teenage girls). We all enjoyed Barbie. I thought America Ferrera, Margot Robbie, and Ryan Gosling (I’ve loved him since La La Land) were great. The visuals were stunning. I had mixed feelings about the ending–won’t say more. I think Greta Gerwig (director and co-writer) did an amazing job.


You could wear the black and white bathing suit she originally came with. How do you feel about hot pants?

Temps near 100 can do it for me. (I don’t have a/c at home, only a fan and a swamp cooler)


I’m very comfy in our house and even more nervous about crowds now that we all got covid. I’m just not interested in going to a crowded theater right after recovering from this bout of covid. Not having a cute pink outfit is not high on my list of concerns (actually it isn’t even anything I care about).

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Do you have a basement? We didn’t have A/C growing up in northern Wisc, and generally didn’t need it – usually the basement was relatively cool. (Granted, the summers aren’t typically “hot”, but there were plenty of days in the 80s and the occasional 90+ day.)

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I didn’t realized that you recently had Covid. It’s amazing how many people I know who have gotten this latest version, you rarely read about it in the news.


D19 and her BFF, S23, and hubby and I went to both on Saturday: Barbie first, Oppenheimer next. To dress up, we found Dollar Tree had all the essential accoutrements.

I wore neon pink shorts that I already had (yay, 80s) and pink flip-flops.
From DT, we all got pink bandannas, pink scrunchies for hair, and huge pink sunglasses. The pink bandannas were folded into pocket squares for the guys (my son wore a three-piece suit, wing-tips, a beret and an overcoat).

I had zero clue what Barbie was about; had not watched a trailer or read a review. I guess maybe I thought it would be a cynical marketing movie for kids like, I dunno, Pokemon or Care Bears or something banal. I was shocked when I found myself tearing up a couple of times. It was way better than I expected.

Oppenheimer was also good, but as someone who knows next to nothing of the history, I found it really difficult to follow at the beginning - one white guy after another having intense conversations with other white guys; they all blended together for a while until I could sort it out. I do like movies where stuff blows up, so maybe it’s just me (only one explosion in this one, doh).

And I love Nolan movies in general - this one was not my favorite (that would be Interstellar).


Oh, I’ve lived in many places without a/c and don’t find it a problem most of the time, but the few days it is really hot we just go to the movies for the a/c or out to dinner.

In Florida, we had a/c of course but in Mass, Wisconsin, Colorado, California, Maryland, Oregon not a/c. One home in Minnesota no a/c (but that was tough and only lived there one summer (otherwise in apts with a/c).

In Colorado, the temps usually fall to the 70s at night, it’s just the noon to 7 pm that is the issues, thus the movies.

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Prior to covid & before we got A/C installed in the house, when it was hot I’d go to Costco or the library. If it was still unpleasantly hot, we’d go out to dine as well. We now have A/C and since the pandemic, I try to minimize exposure to crowds (never liked crowds anyway).

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Saw Barbie, in my regular clothing, on $5 matinee Tuesday (actually $6.25 with online reservation service fee and tax). When I originally saw the trailer last year I said “no way” and “that looks stupid.” Hype and my sons’ enthusiasm for it changed my mind and I’m glad it did. I thought it tried to do a little too much, but did a lot successfully. I could have done without Will Farrell - I’ve never cared much for him, maybe because he seems to be everywhere.

Hopefully will see Oppenheimer with my Physics major son when he gets back from vacation.


There are more than one Physics nerds in my house. They were very familiar with the many characters.


This was where we went before seeing Oppenheimer this weekend. Great double bill for physics nerds (and it even got a mention in the film)!


Has anyone not liked Barbie? I wasn’t intending on seeing it, then when the usual morons started going nuts over the movie, I decided that now I wanted to see it.