Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE

The tickets for the IMAX seats, at the matinee, are $23!

H, D, D’s BF, and I were watching t.v. when the first preview came out. I burst out laughing when they showed Barbie still on tiptoes after taking her shoes off. Apparently I was the only who got that joke, but I admit I spent a lot of time with my Barbies. Maybe the movie is geared more to our baby boomer generation.


I used to shell out money for fancy screens, fancy sound and 3D, but eventually stopped. Except for Avatar, I never thought they made a noticeable difference.

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I agree! Avatar was meh in 2D/on small
screen. IMAX 70 is apparently a very special experience, but if it costs $50 a person… no thanks. Regular imax will do (that’s what closest theater apparently has).

My grandmother gave my sister and I Barbies over my dad’s objection. Original ponytail stripe bathing suit - mine had dark hair and the black sparkle lounge singer outfit. My sisters had blond hair and the pink satin gown. Over the years I got Ken (the really early version one with hair like glued-on black sawdust) - Midge,Allen, Skipper and Tuti.
Midge and Allen have left the building but the rest are still in my Barbie case waiting for my newborn grand daughter to want to play with them.
Does anyone want knitting instructions for Barbie sweaters or patterns for Barbie / Ken clothes?


I’m not dressing up but excited to go with my girls on Weds. The man of the house will be away but DS is going with a friend on Sunday.

At the moment I am annoyed at not having organized meetings self enough in advance to plan for Oppenheimer. Tickets are all about sold out.

We settled for the local independent theater, which we love but I’m not looking forward to a 3 hr movie in those old fashioned theater seats. Showing up early enough for seats will be a learning experience for my kids!


I didn’t have a Ken doll. My Barbie hung out with my brother’s G I Joe. Now that would have added some drama to this movie. :rofl:


LOL. The Barbies in our household hung out with GI Joe too! We did have Ken, but GI Joes were preferred.


Saved for Barbie 2? Maybe we will see him there?! :laughing:


So many “Women” this morning on my walk are wearing pink shirts :rofl:


Husband says the reason GI Joe is AWOL is simple… made by Hasbro, not Mattel. :laughing: More licensing needed!


To answer one of the OP questions, I decided that I’m absolutely wearing my pink-like shoes and WOC to the movie when the time comes. Alas, no pink dresses anywhere in my closet. :slight_smile:


GI Joe in Barbie 2, but he always has to be in Military Dress, as he had no other clothes.


Oppenheimer was great! We saw it in 70mm.

It did not feel like 3h at all. It is an intricate movie and as you have to pay close attention to follow it, the time just flew by.

We also enjoyed seeing all the people in line for Barbie, many of them dressed up in various fabulous styles. So we did enjoy the feeling of the Barbenheimer cultural moment. But we aren’t actually seeing Barbie until tomorrow.


I saw Barbie on Thursday in a packed theater of people dressed in pink. This movie had not been on my watch list but DS18, who is into film, convinced me to go with him. The movie is very enjoyable with great casting—Margot Robbie, Kate McKinnon, America Ferrara, Will Ferrell, and of course Ryan Gosling. I didn’t know what to expect but knowing that Greta Gerwig wrote (with Noah Baumbach) and directed the movie and she also did Ladybird, I knew it would be interesting.

Made me nostalgic for my Barbies.


I’m definitely going to see this one. Will wait for the crowds to slow down.


In our case – that, or wait until it comes to Prime/Netflix.

The verdict is in: we will not be seeing Barbie tonight. She made the call. So it’s down to M:I or Oppenheimer. I’m kind of bummed about it, because I have a feeling that Barbie is going to be hilarious… and I love laughing.


My son said it was very funny - he was most impressed with Ryan Gosling.


I was not particularly a fan of Ryan Gosling in LaLa Land, but mostly because he’s not much of a singer or dancer and I didn’t love the plot.

I was given a Barbie in 2nd or 3rd grade and also a Skipper a little later. I liked Skipper better, but I never played much with dolls. I played much more with my stuffed animals at that age. They went to school - I still have the books I wrote for them. I was a big fan of tr***s and had a whole collection. I made them houses out of shoeboxes.

My brother worked on a Barbie computer game back in the 90’s I think. There was apparently a lot of back and forth about getting the exact shade of pink. I saw something (maybe in the very interesting NYT article Greta Gerwig’s ‘Barbie’ Dream Job - The New York Times ) that the pink in the movie is not quite the same.

Wow, in a sense she will be playing with a gift from her great-great grandmother!

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