Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE

It’s quite funny and has an earnest message underneath all the camp. I was honestly surprised at Mattel going along with it, bc they do not come off as the shiny happy company that one would think they would want. But I guess all marketing is good marketing?


Where/what is this?

The Hanford B reactor:

It’s a great tour, highly recommended if you are ever in the area:


Saw Oppenheimer last night. Very good. Recommend reading up on the history of Oppenheimer before seeing it. I wish I had.


I bought the Oppenheimer biography in the spring via BookBub sale but have yet to start it!!! Drat!

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer


LOVED Barbie! Everything about it was plastic and fantastic!

I deliberately didn’t read too much online because I wanted to be surprised. I loved the message. Go see it!


We saw Oppenheimer last night - excellent.

Tonight we’ll see Barbie! I’m going with my two adult sons. Should I wear my pink dress? I think yes!

Including Indiana Jones last week, we will have seen more movies in the theater this month than in the past 5 years combined.

We are still avoiding crowds and have found week nights at 9pm get us an almost empty theater.


I though Barbie was fun, a great take on the theme, but fine, making a well known/already obvious point about women in society.

My H was surprised, saying he had heard a fantastic interview with the Indigo Girls and that he took the movie (which he has not seen) to be very thought provoking.

What did I miss?

Now Oppenheimer, that was thought provoking.

What did you miss? Nothing. But maybe some guys got a fresh perspective on a woman’s world…That awesome tirade by America Ferrera might’ve been an eye opener for some?


Quite masterful. I wouldn’t say it was a tirade. It was too accurate.


Saw Oppenheimer last night in digital format and it was excellent. So many surprise cameo appearances.

I just bought tickets to see it in 70 mm IMAX next week. Can’t wait for the experience.


Interesting. I had a different take on the tirade by America, I thought it was too much. Maybe about half of it would have been good, less is better, and to me it ended up sounding exaggerated and whining.

Funny thing, though. My husband thought it was the best acting of the movie, and said he didn’t realize that women felt that way. Which I feel like I certainly don’t, just about half of that. It actually made me uncomfortable.

Very good movie, otherwise, though.


I agree with you. Although I really liked the movie, that part did not land for me.

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The line by Rhea Perlman at the end didn’t land for me (don’t want to exactly spoil it, although it’s being talked about quite a bit on the internet). As a mom of a certain generation, I don’t feel I need to stand still in order for my daughter to appreciate how far she’s come, but I am still thinking about the line and reading interesting takes on it by others.

I liked it more than I thought I would, but it took me about 15 minutes into the movie to get there. Ryan Gosling was very funny and IMO stole the movie. I teared up in parts too. I had forgotten that they had a “Skipper” barbie that got boobs when you twisted her arms (Growing up Skipper). I had that doll! She went from a flat chest to a double-D. Can you imagine trying to launch that concept in 2023? :laughing:

Margot Robbie was a perfect Barbie - it’s hard to imagine what Amy Schumer would have done with the role if she hadn’t dropped out.


I had Growing Up Skipper too. Loved seeing her in the movie!

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I actually think it would have been just as good, if not better. The script for her was probably a different concept.

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I agree - I was rushing to write and couldn’t think of the correct word. Maybe broadside?

interesting. It made me feel like standing up and cheering. It made me feel that every man I know should see the movie.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the strong messaging. On the whole, maybe 1/3 silly to 2/3 serious and strong message.


Yeah, I’m sure people will have very different reactions based upon their life experiences. I felt that might have been accurate for 1980, not 2023, it just lost the impact when it got too long, at least for me.


I agree with you 100%.

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