<p>It would be faster and much more helpful if all of us posted ten words or so:</p>
<li>Rancorous - \RANK o russ</li>
<p>(adj.) - bitter, hateful</p>
<li>Affable - \AFF a bul</li>
<p>(adj. - friendly, easy to approach</p>
<li>Amicable - \AM i ku bul</li>
<p>(adj.) - friendly, agreeable</p>
<li>Mitigate - \MIT i gayt</li>
<p>(v.) - to soften or make milder</p>
<li>Placid - \PLAA sid</li>
<p>(adj.) - undisturbed; calm, quiet</p>
<li>Tactful - \TAKT ful</li>
<p>(adj.) - considerate, skillful in acting to avoid offense to others</p>
<li>Winsome - \WIN sum</li>
<p>(adj.) - charming, happily engaging</p>
<li>Reclusive - \ri KLOO siv</li>
<p>(adj.) preferring to live in isolation</p>
<li>Querulous - \KWER u luss</li>
<p>(adj.) - complaining, irritable</p>
<li>Enervating - \EN er VAYT ing</li>
<p>(adj.) - weakening, tiring</p>
<li>Ephemeral - \i FEM er il</li>
<p>(adj.) - momentary, transient, fleeting</p>