Realistic chances for Transfer? Help please

<p>My brother and I have been attending the local community college and will be receiving our associates degree this fall. We would like to attend the same four year school and were wondering what are some realistic choices.</p>

<p>We both got invited to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
My GPA is a 4.0 never ended a term with less than a 98%
My brothers is a 3.8 should be a 3.9 with A's this final term.</p>

<p>We are planning to apply to NYU, Ann-Arbor,UW-Seattle,Boston College,Boston University,Pace.</p>

<p>Are any of those a realistic possibility or are we going to need to add some other schools? if so can anyone recommend some safety/high acceptance schools preferably in a city setting Boston,New York,Chicago,Seattle.</p>
