Realistic goal for this next SAT?

<p>175 PSAT
1860 SAT
2000 SAT</p>

<p>I can't get over 2100+, is it reasonable to be shooting for a 2200?</p>

<p>i don't know. how much have you spent on preparing for the SAT?</p>

<p>mine is:
177 PSAT
1780 SAT June
1910 SAT Oct
2020 SAT Dec</p>




<p>well I've started to prep just now</p>

<p>CR is bringing me down the most.</p>

<p>My jumps are pretty huge though in my overall score everytime I retake it.</p>

<p>Tennisfreak!! You are a freak! hahah</p>

<p>Tennisfreak is like in 7th grade.</p>

<p>Yah, Exactly</p>

<p>Im kidding</p>

<p>This is for serious people, not some 7th grader pretending to be whatever you're trying to be. You're spamming the forums and overall, just being a dolt. Come back in 4-5 years when you are actually trying to get into college, you're not even doing the JH or Duke Talent Search, which probably means studying won't really help you anyway.</p>

<p>I got a 1150 (old SAT) then 1880 on new (M+CR 1300). I'm trying to reach combined 1450, since the old scores I did absolutely NO studying at all, and I was a sophomore when I got the old scores. Haven't retaken since then, and now I have one last chance in December to get 2100(hopefully). We're in the same boat, Glucose, since I really want that 2200 too to be competitive for that Ivy league! argh. I knew people who have raised that much, so there is absolutely hope.</p>

<p>i had
PSAT 190
SAT 2080
SAT 2070</p>

<p>Calc, i dont think im hampering the forum in way. You are trying to nullify everything i say and why? Well, that is an enigma.</p>

<p>Some of things you say about ppl on here are reprehensible</p>

Calc, i dont think im hampering the forum in way. You are trying to nullify everything i say and why? Well, that is an enigma.</p>

<p>Some of things you say about ppl on here are reprehensible


<p>Tennisfreak23 - you don't make sense. You are trying to come off as intelligent, but your words have an opposite effect. Don't use big words if you don't know how to use them.</p>

<p>The words are "technically" right in his sentences but say in front of a teacher or an adult and he/she'll seriously laugh at you. for realz :)</p>

<p>Amen Mechrocket....
Tennis freak.. you are a joke</p>

<p>im in 7th grade</p>

im in 7th grade


<p>so? when i was in 7th grade, i wrote better than you ever will.</p>

<p>Really? </p>

<p>I just got published in this essay contest out of like 8000 kids. About 50 got published. </p>

<p>Maybe you did... If so, good for u</p>


<p>I just got published in this essay contest out of like 8000 kids. About 50 got published.</p>

<p>Maybe you did... If so, good for u


<p>that is terrific. but you're still a very very bad writer. you use words that don't even make sense in the context of your sentences.</p>

<p>First of all, tennisfreak should stop trying to act smarter than he is. And MechROcket, you should stop trolling this thread.</p>

<p>I say im an average writer, but i am trying to improve gradually. How can u say i am a terrible writer if you havent seen any of my writing</p>