<p>I've held back posting on CC for a while now. I read the threads and all the questions and see just how ill informed people are. Don't get me wrong, there are some good posters here, but more then half are kids who saw American Psycho or heard that IB=$$ and decided they wanted to do it when in fact they couldn't tell the difference between an ECM and a DCM. I usually post over at wallstreetoasis (an ib board) but I'm bored as hell so I figured I'd throw up a thread with my wisest bits of wisdom. </p>
<p>1) Lets dispel any notion that being in IB is cool/hip/fun. You think you can work a 100 hour week? Awesome, now go out and do it. Now go out and do it for a month. Now two years. The "models and bottles" mantra doesn't apply because you don't have time for either when you're in the office from 7am-1am. </p>
<p>2) Don't do this for the $$ because, truth be told, if you can make tons of $$ doing IB then you can make tons of $$ doing something else. I've always believed that successful people are going to be successful no matter what they do. </p>
<p>3) The IB that YOU are going to be going into is very much different from the one that you've heard about. BS got bailed out, Lehman is filing for bankruptcy, and ML just sold itself to Bank of America. Many on the street are questioning whether MS and GS will survive without help and most, while reluctant to say so out loud, don't think they will survive without some help (which they'll get). </p>
<p>4) Learn what IB is before you decide you want to go into it, and learn how to get into it. To learn what it is I suggest you check out wallstreetoasis, read monkey business, and keep up with the WSJ. Now...how to get into it. </p>
<p>5) Assuming you don't have family connections you need to go to a good school. There's no "list" of targets. Go to a schools website and see who interviews on campus. Find out how many people from your school work in banks. If you want IB right out of college then you're going to want to go to a fantastic school....and no, schools that many think are <em>fantastic</em> are not actually fantastic when it comes to IB (ND, UCLA etc...not picking on these two I'm just throwing out two schools I'd considered to be excellent but, when it comes to IB, aren't flooding the street with employees). </p>
<p>6) You don't have to be an analyst out of college to get into IB. In my group I have 2 ex corporate lawyers and 1 guy from the peace corps. The lawyers obviously got in after their corporate law careers and the peace corps guy came from business school. </p>
<p>7) You either like this job or you don't...you have to decide not only if you can handle it but whether it's worth it to you. 300k may seem like a lot of $$ but after NYC taxes, rent, the lifestyle you get accustomed to, it's not as much as it sounds. </p>
<p>If you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them...at least for as long as I'm here :)</p>
<p>-2nd year associate, BB</p>