Really awkward and complicated situation! please help!!


<p>i'm a current sophmore in a california private school(isnt that good?) and i transferred here after my first semester of freshman year from a VERY good public university (Purdue). the reason of my transfer was family related and could not be avoided. </p>

<p>personal reasons forced me to leave such a good school to go to a not so good private + more expensive, and not that studious school. now, i know i can do much better. </p>

<p>I don't have much stats besides the fact that i have a 3.67 GPA at my current school, and I've worked throughout school part-time, sometimes even 2 jobs, and i couldn't really involve myself with school related programs as I had the responsibility of family and work. i was part of one or two clubs, but nothing like the president. i helped found a group in Purdue, and that's about it. </p>

<p>I really want to transfer to a good school now that my familial responsibilities are starting to fade away slowly. i want to transfer to either, ucla or berkeley or uc irvine or uc santa barbara or usc. i know these schools have really high expectations, and me being a once already transferred not much involved student from a private univerisity gives me the LEAST chance i can possibly imagine. but do you think there is anything i can do to give myself a shot towards any of these schools? </p>

<p>my aim is either ucla or berkeley. </p>

<p>do you think i might even have a tiny bit of shot?</p>


<p>Berkeley, USC and UCLA might be slight/moderate reaches, but you definitely have a decent shot at UCSB and UCI.</p>

<p>Two important questions though: what's your major and will you have two full years (60 semester units; 90 quarter units) done by Spring 2009? I know that UCLA and Berkeley care about that a lot -- not so much UCI and UCSB. And it doesn't matter for USC.</p>

<p>What's your major? If it's not impacted, you have a good shot.</p>

<p>If you have high grades in your major classes, then you can definitely get into irvine or santa barbara with a strong essay</p>

<p>even without a strong essay.</p>


<p>My major is Business Administration, but I'm looking at BUsiness Economics at these schools. </p>

<p>I will have about 60-65 semester units done by Spring 2009, and yes, my major classes, so far I have A's in all of them.</p>

<p>And I think I do have strong essays. I'm really hoping for UCLA.</p>

<p>UCLA Business Economics is tough to get into, and so is UCB Haas. Either way, with strong essays and continuance of an upward trend, they are worth a shot for you.</p>

<p>And of course, you have a much better chance at UCI and UCSB. Just keep those grades up!</p>

<p>Another issue may be credit transfer, though. What school are you at?</p>

<p>I'm at the University of San Francisco as of now.</p>

<p>i think that USC should not be that hard.
UCLA biz econ is definitely hard</p>

<p>You have a shot at USC, UCI, and UCSB</p>

<p>UCLA and UCB are sadly out of reach for you.</p>