Really Close Buddies are attending college(s) of interest...

<p>It's weird, but all of my best friends from high school were seniors last year.</p>

<p>And weirdly, they are all attending great schools (eg. Harvard, MIT, Berkeley etc). Obviously, they know me inside and out--even the not-so-good things about me, lol.</p>

<p>My question is, are they qualified to write for me the "extra" letter of recommendation to their school? Or would that be too weird? (weird, I used the word weird 3 times...make that 5)</p>

<p>No, they are not qualified to do that. Colleges want letters from experienced adults -- coaches, teachers, other adults who have gotten to know you well and who can provide evidence of your intelligence and character.</p>

<p>The exception is the rare college that asks for peer recommendations, but that doesn't seem to be what you're asking about.</p>

<p>I agree with Northstarmom. Unless a college asks explicitly for "Peer Recommendations" they wouldn't be eligible to write you a recommendation.</p>

<p>By "extra" letter of recommendation, what do the college mean? Do they give any limitations on who the person can be? If they don't say "peer" then I suggest an extra ecademic teacher or a coach or something...</p>