<p>*Though, why aren’t these kids getting help. *</p>
<p>‘The three hardest things in the world are climbing a fence leaning toward you, kissing a girl who is leaning away from you, and helping someone who does not wanted to be helped.’</p>
<p>While it may not feel like it to you, students here are now adults and have to be responsible for themselves. If you ask for help, you will undoubtably get it here, but we won’t force it upon you. Actually, if you are in trouble and a professor knows it, he will most likely offer to help. Nevertheless, this is an institution of blood and sweat, and you have to shed your own to get through. </p>
My son says that the profs keeping telling him, just do OK on the final. I don’t know whether they are not worried or they just don’t care. He is doing fine on classwork and homework, despite being sick*</p>
<p>The professor is clearly both trying to reassure your son that he is not lost and trying to motivate him to study for the final. </p>
Have other freshman failed a test or an assignment this semester? *</p>
<p>Holy Christ yes. Many students, but not necessarily a majority, fail at least one hum 1 paper, one section of chemistry, and dont get me started on individual assignments. </p>
My son never even received a grade lower than an A- before and those were very rare. *</p>
<p>Welcome to Mudd.
Oh, what is wrong with syntax*? *</p>
<p>Here at Mudd we believe in the scientific method, and with regard to the claims you are making, you simply do not have enough data or research on the matter. You hadnt called the professors directly, which by the way I am sure you could and they would be fine with,** nor have you dealt with a large number of Mudders. Overall, such extrapolations are just unfounded and absurd sounding to us. No offense, and I mean that. </p>
<p>*Syntax was not the right word. I probably should have said ‘tone’ or ‘methodology’ or something.</p>
<p>**The physics chair is John Townsend. [url=<a href=“http://www.physics.hmc.edu/faculty/Townsend/index.html]John”>http://www.physics.hmc.edu/faculty/Townsend/index.html]John</a> S. Townsend<a href=“It%20was%20the%20physics%20test%20your%20son%20was%20concerned%20about,%20right?”>/url</a></p>