<p>I am trying to eventually get to UC Berkeley.</p>
<p>I am currently attending SFSU, I came to SFSU with AP credit.</p>
<p>I got two 5's on both english exams. A 5 in American History, and a 4 in Government.</p>
<p>My first semester in SFSU I got a very low GPA, I received two D's . This current Semester I am aiming to get a very average one, 3.1...</p>
<p>I know that I am capable of perfect school work, I was just sucked into the whole SF creativity thing and got lost.</p>
<p>I want to transfer to SMC, to save money and to transfer to berkeley, which will allow for my major transfer in business.</p>
<p>Will the fact that I screwed up my first year at SFSU kill my chances of getting into UCBerkeley? </p>
<p>Will the AP count for anything? Is there anyway to not transfer the units? Can I just pretend I am completely fresh and only attended CC?</p>
<p>I am new to the whole concept of transfers...thanks for any help in advanced</p>
<p>I don’t think you can start fresh…if you lie they’ll find out eventually 
You can go to a CC and work really hard on it, but there was a member that didn’t do too well and got accepted in Berkeley
Here’s the thread, post #4 is the most important part :)</p>
<p>If you start “fresh” you’re going to have to explain that gap in your education. If for example your excuse is that you were traveling in Europe then that might be something they ask you to verify if you’re one of the 10% chosen to verify their application. You’re gonna need to retake those D’s to have a remote shot at haas ask yourself why haas should accept you over the hundreds of applicants with 3.8+. To answer your question , I think you’re completely screwed for Berkeley haas without a signiocant amount of 4.0 semesters and godly extracurriculars. Why not just go for econ? You can boost your gpa to maybe a 3.7 if you stay for maybe 2 years at community college.</p>
<p>Retake the classes in which you received less than a C in at SFSU. Transfer to CCC, and get 4.0 for two semesters before applying to Cal. You will need a good reason for getting crappy grades for two semesters at SFSU. Since there is no “required GPA” to get into Haas, you definitely have a shot. They like to see students who have significant upward trends. </p>
<p>You must think realistically though. Set a goal that you can actually achieve. I think getting into mid tier UC’s is very achievable if you start NOW. From here on out, you need A’s and B’s and retake classes that need to be retaken. With high enough grades and a little bit of luck, you could definitely be a candidate for the upper UC’s. Maybe not Haas, but like the poster above said, in a similar major like Economics.</p>
<p>thanks again for all the replys…very helpful…</p>
<p>if i retake classes that I got a D in, does it have to be at SFSU–or can I take them at any CSU?</p>
<p>Would chances be better to transfe to a private university such as USC?</p>
<p>you’d have to retake them at SFSU because SFSU is the institution that makes the changes to your transcript unless you get confrimation from the school that they will replace your D’s with a course taken elsewhere. Usually, that is not the case and you have to take it at the original institution. As for USC, they don’t replace grades so you’re kinda screwed there for your gpa even if you retake the course.</p>
<p>ultraman982 - you pretty much are screwed (I hate to say it) for UC Berkeley and USC if your hoping to get into Business. Retaking courses you have received either a D or F in will be an improvement for UCB. But when it comes to USC, they won’t take into consideration about academic forgiveness (replacement of grades). This means they will average your previous grade and your current grade you receive and they will not count as duplicate units. Also they will review your admissions much more harshly in terms if you do repeat a course for most or all private universities. So to sum it all up your chances are worse for private universities rather than public.</p>
<p>UCB Haas is extemely competitive and GPA average for qualified transfer applicants who have been accepted range from a 3.89. USC Marshall is also competitive with a GPA average for accepted transfers of a 3.8.</p>
<p>As for your plan of starting fresh, I extremely caution you not to do it. They will figure out that you have previously enrolled in a college by a use of “National Clearinghouse”. If they catch you then it’s basically game over for admissions and probably for other universities too (they’ll blacklist).</p>
<p>Cali trumpet was spot on</p>
<p>This is just another question, once again thanks for all the detailed replys…</p>
<p>Unfortunately, staying at SFSU may be out of the question financially.</p>
<p>since UCB may be out of the question.</p>
<p>If I went to SMC, with what I currently have, and majored in English. Would it be possible to get into UCLA College of Letters and Sciences, and eventually change my major?</p>
<p>I would love to retake the courses, but I don’t know if its possible. I am positive though that I can perform exceptionally if I go to a CC, as my stay in SFSU has not exactly garnered the same work ethic that gave me straight A’s during high school.</p>
<p>@_@ <em>sigh</em></p>