Really need opinions - chances

<p>Hey guys, I'd really appreciate it if you could chance me because I could really use some opinions as to where I stand with some of these schools. Thx!</p>

2160 - (CR 640, M 720, W 800 [E = 10])
SAT II: Math 2, French, Chemistry (taking them in Nov. / Dec.)</p>

<p>Grades (Full IB Diploma; my school doesn’t rank or give a percentile)
HL Chemistry – 7 (out of 7)
HL Math – 5
HL Computer Science – 7
SL Economics – 7
SL English – 6
SL French – 6
I think I could've had straight 7's if I hadn't picked some brutal classes lol</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities
Tennis (7 years) – NYJTL Player of the Year
Saxophone / Wind Ensemble (6 years)
UNIS-UN member
Save Darfur member
200+ hours of community service at soup kitchens, underprivilaged schools, local library, etc.</p>

<p>Other Info
Speak 4 languages
Essays and recommendations should be excellent</p>

<p>Schools I'm looking at:
1. Georgetown
2. Brown
3. Tufts
4. Boston College
5. Cornell
6. Northwestern
7. William & Mary
8. Carnegie Mellon
9. GW</p>

<p>bump^ anyone??</p>

<p>one more bump^^</p>

<p>I am a senior at William and Mary. I think you have a very good shot at being admitted. </p>

<p>Great job. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Pedsox..............................GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!</p>