Rec letter emergency! Help!

<p>One of my teachers from high school, who graduated from UW, wrote me a rec letter and gave me 5 copies. Since I only needed one, I of course opened one of them to see what was said. All of it was great, except one thing---my teacher said that my major is policital science and it is psychology!!!</p>

<p>WHAT DO I DO? The letter is due Feb 1st</p>

<p>Is it going to hurt me if I send it as is? Will it be rude to ask for a change when my teacher went to so much trouble? </p>

<p>FYI I am applying for transfer from a community college</p>

<p>You’re generally not supposed to read letters of rec…</p>

<p>But if you were allowed to read it (and the teacher was okay with that) then you could mention it to the teacher in a very polite way. Changing the title of the major is relatively little work compared to writing the letter so I’m sure it wouldn’t be considered that rude.</p>

<p>I didn’t know students weren’t normally allowed to read letters of rec. I’ve seen all of mine–woops!</p>

<p>It’s a big deal a lot of places. For a lot of schools you have to waive your right to view recs…</p>

<p>Man I wish I’d been able to read mine!</p>

<p>If I was praising a student, I would let that student read it. Darn teachers and such!</p>

<p>Well the theory is that if teachers know a student will read the recs they make them better/will be influenced to not show their true opinion.</p>

<p>That’s understandable. Haha, my engineering teacher wrote about my pros AND cons, but he still showed me. I’m glad I got a chance to see mine though. Sorry for not sticking to the purpose of this thread, rac!</p>

<p>Haha I really wish I had been able to see mine! Yeah we’re off topic, but why stop now lol. You’re doing engineering in school?</p>

<p>True, might as well keep on keepin’ on. Yeah, we have an intro to engineering class that I thought would provide me with more insight into the field. Didn’t go too well because I was gone for a week, but I’m learning more through the robotics team the same teacher coaches lol.</p>

<p>That’s cool. My family’s pretty much all engineers (except for me).</p>

<p>Why aren’t you following the family path?!</p>

<p>I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was a little kid lol. It was a disappointment to my family, but I’m really not a math and science kid. Math ruined my 4.0 but I got decent test scores in it so they keep pushing. I’m thinking of a philosophy major because my school doesn’t offer pre-law (either way it’d be hard for them to push me into engineering with a philosophy degree lol).</p>

<p>Law is way too intense for me, haha. I never win arguments. Where do you go?</p>

<p>I might find it too intense, but I love arguing so I figure it’s worth a try. Right now I’m a senior in hs, but next year i’m going to Stanford.</p>

<p>Holy bajeezus. What brought you to the good ole UW board?</p>

<p>Well I only applied to one other school, UW (not this UW, University Washington but I didn’t realize that this was a different UW) and I look at my UW’s cc stuff from time to time. So I saw UW and wanted to look lol.</p>

<p>Wow. I applied to six schools because I didn’t know if any of them would want me. I bet you went crazy when you found out about your acceptance to Stanford!</p>

<p>Lol I was going to apply to 18 schools because I didn’t think I’d get accepted to any, but I heard back before any other apps were due besides UW…</p>

<p>Yeah I kind of freaked out when I got in, Stanford’s been my dream school forever. They sent an email like a week early so I was like “oh, they glanced at my app and decided they didn’t even need to wait until the deadline to reject me.” Kept waiting for them to tell me it was a mistake. </p>

<p>Heard back from any of your six yet?</p>

<p>You didn’t think you would get into any but you got into Stanford?! That’s ridiculous! You had to have known you’d get into the other schools. Oh, you are way too modest.</p>

<p>I heard back from UW-Madison on Christmas Eve which is my top choice, so I committed and that’s where I’m headed next year!</p>

<p>Congrats!! I guess that’s why you’re on this forum lol. Must’ve been a good Christmas. </p>

<p>I really was worried about getting into any school lol. You hear all those horror stories of 4.0 2400s getting rejected and it freaks you out! My app strength was in ecs not test scores/gpa anyways, so if schools thought my ecs were worthless I probably would’ve gotten rejected.</p>