Received great news that may change everything

<p>Today I received news that I'm one of 6 semifinalist to be considered for a full-ride scholarship. Out of the 6, five will be granted a full ride to the college or university of their choice in their state. (They have to be admitted of course)
But now because of this great news, I'm totally lost. I had a plan already to go to the college who would give me the most financial aid, or the one that would leave me in the least debt. Of course they had to have my major though (pre-pharmacy, which I know isn't really a major) and a pharmacy school to go with it so i don't have to transfer after 2 year to a school that had a pharmacy school. I narrowed down my choices to FAMU and USF since they both had pharmacy schools and I had the best chances of getting in. I wanted to apply to UF also but figured it's too late in the cycle to apply.
But now, if I get this scholarship, I don't know what to do. Should I apply to other schools even if they don't have pharmacy schools? Or should I just stick to my current 2 schools. I'm thinking maybe I should apply to other schools now even if they don't have pharmacy schools to have a little fun and enjoy myself because it is college. I can always transfer after 2 years to go to a pharmacy school. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>CONGRATS! to you.</p>


First of all, congrats! </p>

<p>Personally, I would apply to a few other schools. I don’t know how set you are on doing pharmacy, but if you truly know that’s what you want to do without a doubt, then there’s no need to apply to non-pharmacy schools. Either way, I don’t think you’ll be at a disadvantage. Good luck</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you. :)</p>

<p>I’m applying to one more school - UF. Hopefully I get in. <em>crossing fingers</em></p>

<p>abdc11, I would like to offer you my sincerest congratulations! This is stupendous news.</p>

<p>I recall last spring, you were rather stressed about college admissions. I hope that things have settled down for you. Good luck! :)</p>