<p>According to their web site, I get the feeling that CMU really wants all materials before the deadline, and not just postmarked by the deadline, and that people who don't have their materials in by the deadline are at a serious disadvantage. Is this true? Thanks!</p>
<p>No. You’re fine if you got the app in, although I would get everything in as soon as you can.</p>
<p>No one is disadvantaged for being the last one to submit their materials.
A deadline is a deadline and if materials are submitted on time, your application will be considered complete and reviewed without prejudice.</p>
<p>That said, interest in a school is sometimes inferred by when an applicant applies to a school. The extreme example, ED applicants are considered those interested in a school. Adcoms aren’t stupid-- they know students apply to numerous places-- knocking off the easier essays first and/or the schools that are top on their list. However, there are some legit questions raised about
application materials submitted at 11:59 pm the day they are due. From an ADCOM’s point of view, two potential explanations for the “11:59 click” are “slacker” or “Last minute afterthought- not really serious about the school”.</p>
<p>I think I sent my application off for CMU (one of my first choice schools) two days before the postmark deadline. I still got in.</p>
<p>We missed the deadline by 24 hours and my D still got in.</p>
<p>i sent mine 4 weeks early and got in… well, the app at least.</p>
<p>all recs / transcripts/ etc. probably didn’t arrive until after the deadline</p>