Recent experiences with Engineering at Brown

Here is a link to Brown’s rules on AP credit. I realize that’s not exactly what you are looking for, but thought you might find it helpful regardless.

Advanced Placement Exams | The College | Brown University

Yup thanks! Reviewed that prior to reaching out to admissions. Haven’t yet reached out to the departments but will soon.

Note that the one for Physics is kind of interesting. You can get retroactive credit for Physics 30 by taking any of a number of courses, including upper-level (1000 or higher) courses.

I’ve heard that individual faculty will also allow a student to register in their class even if they don’t have the official pre-req if the student reaches out to them and explains the situation. But I’m not sure how that plays out “department-wide” if the class is one that is required for the concentration (major).

If your son gets definitive information from the departments, I’d love to hear their answers!

Which area is he most interested in? You’ve mentioned CS, Engineering, and Physics.

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I noted that retroactive credit thing. Definitely interesting (though there’s no intent or desire to finish in under 4 years). Good to know about direct faculty outreach as a possibility as well. He’s at the kind of HS where self-advocacy is very much a thing so I won’t worry about his ability to do that kind of thing if/as the time comes.

Re: the academic areas, that’s part of the puzzle for now. In general, he’s a self-described “physics and math kid,” with a healthy dose of CS on the side but growing. Engineering of various stripes feels like a potential outcome since so many of the engineering disciplines include various amounts of coursework in math, etc.

Maybe this concentration would be of interest:

Applied Mathematics-Computer Science < Brown University

I just sent you a DM.

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