<p>So I'm a junior and have just started visiting a few colleges. I'm a Hispanic Male with dual citizenship with the Dominican Republic (if that counts as a hook). I go to a very good public high school (2nd best in Mass according to USNEWS). I got a 3.4-3.5 GPA unweighted, kinda low for the colleges I want to get into, but I've taken the hardest available courses, all APs and honors when available. Current course load includes AP Psych and AP Bio. I know my strengths will be in standardized test scores (haven't taken SAT's yet or PSAT's but I know I'm better in that stuff, got a perfect MCAS english score). I did get a 720 on the US History SAT. For EC's I've been on the Varsity Swim team my whole high school career and have been recognized with awards from my league. I also do Model UN and I'm a state licensed EMT and volunteer regularly with the local ambulance. My parents both went to BC, I plan to apply there and I hope that helps me with getting in. Paying shouldn't be a problem. I'm kinda open to suggestions for colleges to look at, so far I've seen Colgate, BC, Hamilton, Middlebury and Georgetown. I've loved all of them, but I'm particularly skeptical about my chances with Middlebury and Georgetown, I don't really know if I could have a chance for those particular calibers of colleges, but I absolutely love Georgetown SFS and that would be a dream to be accepted into. I'd like to major in economics or something like international relations, maybe both or a combo of sorts.</p>
<p>Middlebury has a great economics department is very much known for international studies. If you could get two more SAT II’s in the 700 + range, you could submit those instead of SAT I or if you can get 1400 (math plus CR) on the SAT I you would be in the ballpark. Even a little lower is worth a try. Could you be recruited for swimming? URM and your impressive activities should help. For international relations you could also look at the Elliot School at George Washington University which is easier to get into than Georgetown.</p>
<p>You should be a shoe-in at BC with legacy, which is fantastic (amazing school). Apply early to Georgetown to see if you get in, but if BC is your safety, you are in a good place. </p>
<p>Other colleges to check out:
<p>I wouldn’t call BC a safety. </p>
<p>Once you get your PSAT and other scores, it will be easier to recommend schools.</p>
<p>Paying shouldn’t be a problem.</p>
<p>Have your parents said how much they’ll pay? If not, please ask them. You’d be surprised how many kids think their parents will pay $55k+ per year and then find out they won’t. So ask…just to be sure. :)</p>
American U
Catholic U