Recommendations for PSAT review courses?

HI! I’m headed into 10th grade and I’m supposed to be taking the PSAT’s in October. There seem to be a lot of promising courses and I just wanted to know, is there a course that is the best? Or are they all ultimately the same? Please let me know, thanks!

Check out the Kahn Academy online prep course. You should be able to google that or just go to the College Board website for PSAT and there should be a link. They have materials for the PSAT and PSAT 10. And it’s free :D/

Don’t worry about prepping too much for the PSAT as a 10th grader. It’s just a practice run for your 11th grade year when it will count for National Merit. I would recommend NOT using KA’s stuff, because you’ll need it more to practice next year.

Doesn’t KA have a PSAT 10 prep course?