<p>Hey, I am shadowing a surgeon and volunteering in a hospital everyday for 3 hours in my gap year while taking part-time classes. </p>
<p>I am planning on submitting several things:</p>
<p>1.) 2 high school reccs and 1 guidance counselour recc
2.) Dance teacher recc with dvd supplement
3.) Letter from Boss (School Principal) I worked for two years in helping organize and working for two summers. Very good RECC</p>
<p>For GAP YEAR, I would like to provide another perspective on what I have been doing.</p>
<p>Thus, I am wondering if submitting:</p>
<p>1.) Hospital Volunteer Recc signed by surgeon I had shadowed with plus Dean of hospital.
2.) Academic Recc regarding my part-time classes in Bio and Chemistry. I will have had the chance to see cadavers and other need things. He will clarfiy my depth in science and other work.
PS> I will still be eligible to apply as an incoming frosh because my credits are less than 12 credit hours which is great. </p>
<p>Total Reccs/Letters: 7</p>
<p>I hope that this is legit because I am taking a gap year and I need to describe both my experiences in high school and my year off.</p>
<p>Please give me inputs. I believe that RECCS/Letters are really important to make or break you when you have great stats competing for top schools. In addition, I hope that these reccs are reasonable in the sense that though they are large in number, 7, but they provide different scopes on my character.</p>
<p>7 letters is way overboard. There's an adcom saying, "The thicker the file, the thicker the applicant."</p>
<p>Give the schools what they require from the GC and teachers. Probably a teacher from one of your current classes can substitute for a h.s. teacher since you're taking a gap year. Ask the colleges about this.</p>
<p>I suggest that the other recc be from the surgeon whom you're shadowing. Presumably, that person can provide a recent perspective on your interest in medicine and how you're making good use of your gap year.</p>
<p>Dance teacher isn't necessary since you're sending a DVD.</p>
<p>Some colleges do not accept extra reccs and other materials. Find out colleges' policies before sending extra materials because receiving things that they don't want can simply tick adcoms off.</p>
<p>thanks, I just want to reiterate that they will provide differnt perspectives about me thats all. I do not intend to sound flamboyant or excessive in any sort. It is just that there are now two sides of my - high school and gap year.</p>
<p>"Inputs" is not a word. It's just "input." And you've asked this several times before and have received the same answer. Don't send in extra recs! It's not a good thing.</p>
<p>Based on what I provided, wouldn't the gap year reccs be justified. I mean I understand that if I was just in high school, it would not be that important to submit everything because in essence the teachers would say the same things. But what I am providing is an array of backgrounds from academics, dance, and my year off which provides a global perspective on my part for college admissions.</p>
<p>Under no circumstances would a college want as many extra letters of recommendation that you are proposing. As many of us have REPEATEDLY said -- one or two extras is fine if the college is one that accepts extras. More is only a waste of time that will greatly IRRITATE adcoms.</p>
<p>What colleges are most interested in is your academic abilities and work ethic, which is what your teacher recommendations will discuss.</p>
<p>If you have any more questions, you'd be wise to ask admissions officers directly at the colleges that you're considering applying. This particularly may help since you don't seem to be paying attention to the advice of anyone here.</p>