<p>1) I just want a clear answer for this question... Should I ask my AP US teacher for a rec by email or wait until school starts in like a week and a half? She teaches only 11th graders, so she probably has a good chunk of recs to write... I don't know her really well, it's just that I was more active in her class than most of my other classes...</p>
<p>2) When do I give her materials for writing the rec (both EA and ED)? </p>
<p>3) What are materials I give her? Does she just write one reccomendation? (for the common app) Is it a typed letter, or does she fill out the common app form?</p>
<p>4) Do I give her the RD and EA reccomendations at the same time?</p>
<p>1) As a general rule of thumb, always ask in person unless that would be impossible.
2) When she agrees to write it; or at the beginning of school if you asked the summer before; but give everything she'll need at once and organized.
3) Well, give her the envelopes to send it for sure; I don't know about the rest... I have another week or so before I give everything in to my teachers.
4) Yes, unless she specifies not to; it's not as if she's going to write a different letter for each (as far as I know).</p>
<p>^should I get a rec from a senior teacher or just ask that teacher? I'd have to ask this teacher pretty early</p>
<p>I personally think it's much better to get a letter of rec from an 11th grade teacher than a 12th- the 11th is much more likely to know you better (unless the 12th has taught you in previous years).</p>
<p>The 12th grade teacher doesn't have a whole years worth to go on.</p>
<p>bump, need more answers for the 4 questions</p>