recommended classes for incoming freshmen

<p>I need to fill up my schedule with some classes to meet the hourly requirements as a full time student. The courses I am currently signed up for are very challenging because of credit I got from ap classes so I am looking for the easy and fun 1 and 3 hour classes that don't have to pertain to engineering. classroom and virtual classes are both welcomed!!</p>


<p>World Regions with Mr. Boyer gets great reviews!</p>

<p>It is but a freshman is very unlikely to get in.</p>

<p>I like history classes. Pick a time period that interests you and go for it. High school history turns a lot of people off of it with all the memorizing of dates and what not but in my experience college history classes aren’t like that.</p>

<p>Urban Planning was an alright filler class if you can’t find anything else.</p>

<p>I’m actually looking at HokieSpa and World Regions has a shocking 632 seats open. Add/Drop opens up on Saturday. I’d try to grab if possible.</p>

<p>DS tells me that world regions is online only this fall because the prof is out of town. Might explain the number if open seats.</p>

<p>Boyer’s doing Semester at Sea, I believe.</p>