Recommended Courses for HS...Physical Science/Algebra I taken in 8th grade?

I am hoping for an answer from UAH Admissions on this one. Your website mentions only sending in transcript info for homeschoolers from 9th grade on, but my son’s Algebra I and Physical Science were taken in 8th grade. In my state, those courses can be counted towards high school requirements.

How do you prefer applicants handle these high school courses taken in 8th grade?


My sons attended public high school in VA. We never had an issue with taking high school classes as seventh or eighth graders. My older son had three high school math classes before ninth grade. The younger son, who is in his second year at UAH, had two high school math classes and Spanish I.

Hello @powercropper !
UAH Admissions policy only requires an applying student’s transcripts from 9th-12th grade. However, we encourage homeschooled students to send any and all transcripts they feel are necessary. It would be important if any high school credits were taken before 9th grade that UAH Admissions would have record of them in order for the student to be considered for admission.
Thank you,
UAH Admissions