
<p>Room selection for returning students ends before freshman room selection, but I know several people who originally decided to stay in the same space and later switched to a different room/building when they opened up, all of which was done before freshman room selection. For the most part, freshman room selection has nothing to do with upperclassmen other than some incoming freshmen will select the empty spaces in suites where the other spaces were claimed by returning students.</p>

<p>It is also possible for returning students to be pulled into another room by incoming freshmen or to switch spaces with an incoming freshmen during the freshman room selection process.</p>

<p>Maybe UAHousing can give some clarification on this, I seem to remember DS not being able to switch after a certain date. Otherwise it makes total sense to elect to keep your existing space on day one just in case then shop for your ideal room after that.</p>

<p>Hi guys!
Returning students will be allowed to move around in any available space for next year through March 6 at 8am CST. At that time, we will close room selection for returning students in preparation for spring break and freshmen room selection.</p>

<p>But this still allows time to check on available space and make selections in spaces other than your own.</p>

<p>Does that help?
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>^ yes, definitely! Thank you and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I am confused about Honors housing. If an honors student currently in one of the Honors dorms recontracts to one of the non-honors dorms, for example Ridgecrest East, for next year, is the student then unable to recontract back into one of the honors dorms, for example Ridgecrest West, in the following years? </p>

<p>After talking to housing, my son is under the impression that honor students, at least those having the NMF housing scholarship, can recontract into a non-honors dorm one year and then recontract back into an honors dorm in a following year, but I am not confident that his impression is correct.</p>

<p>Unless it is totally different for NMF, once a student leaves an honors dorm the student can never return to honors dorms. I would contact Alicia Browne in housing to verify whether this is different for NMF. It is possible that it may be, but I would want to be sure first.</p>

<p>What Bamagirls last posted is correct. Once a student leaves the Honors community housing, they are unable to select back into that space.</p>

<p>But the issue raised by Randomparent is whether students with housing scholarships can return. YES! Students with housing scholarships are allowed to return to on-campus housing. However, if they’ve already opted out of Honors community housing, they cannot go back to Honors, but they can live on campus again.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Thanks Janine!</p>

<p>Randomparent - Make sure that your student meets ALL deadlines! Having the scholarship means you can stay on campus IF you apply to recontract by February 1. This deadline does not change from year to year, and students can do this online starting October 1.</p>

<p>So if a housing scholarship student, or even one without a scholarship, goes from Honors to an off campus apartment, when they return to on campus housing, they have to live in non honors housing?</p>

<p>Please clarify this for me, as there may be some rising juniors in honors housing who want to try off campus next year. What if they don’t like living off campus? If they try to come back for senior year on campus, will they be limited to non honors housing? This is, of course, assuming they’re still in the honors program.</p>

<p>again, it’s been made pretty clear here that once you leave honors housing you are not allowed back for any reason. If you are on housing scholarship and leave honors housing for an off-campus place you can get back to on-campus housing the following year but NOT back into honors housing.
Same situation here, DS (Jr.) is taking the risk by considering off campus for next year that when his upperclassman (Sr.) roommate moves on after next year he will basically not be able to return to UA honors housing or be able to count on on campus housing at all. Guess that’s a bridge he’ll have to cross then.</p>

<p>And given the track record reported of non-honors upperclassmen not being selected to return to UA housing, it doesn’t seem likely that a non-honors senior can count on a future spot - right?</p>

<p>Good thing is from all reports off campus housing is something most upperclassmen prefer.</p>


<p>yes…they can’t get back into honors housing.</p>

<p>frankly, once they go off-campus, they probably can’t get ANY on-campus housing.</p>

<p>Returning students typically have to be in on-campus housing to be able to get oncampus housing again.</p>

<p>Once you leave on campus housing, you’re kind of done.</p>

<p>so, in your scenario…such kids would have to stay off campus for senior year as well.</p>

<p>Bama can’t do its planning if kids are moving off campus and then back to on-campus housing. Bama needs kids to move off-campus to accomodate future frosh.</p>

<p>As m2ck mentioned, it is highly unlikely that those who move off campus will be able to move back on campus the following year, even if they have a housing scholarship. Note that living in the Bluffs with a housing scholarship would not be considered living off campus in this case.</p>

<p>Frankly, if one has a housing scholarship, they are potentially spending $7200 per year ($600 per month) extra by choosing to live off campus. That money alone could fund a pretty lavish lifestyle for a college student who has tuition and housing covered or be used towards a down payment on their first house.</p>

<p>i didn’t realize that those with a housing scholarship wouldn’t be able to get back into housing if they wanted. that kind of stinks.</p>

<p>i think this situation happened to one of my daughters friends just this month. she lived on campus for year one, took a sorority job that required living in the house, then wanted to go back to dorm living (to save $$). i think she didn’t get dorm space.</p>

<p>Δ See post #28, per UA Housing, housing scholarship students will be allowed to return, just not back into honors housing.</p>

<p>I’m sorry if my post confused further. </p>

<p>Housing scholarship students will be allowed to live on campus multiple years. Once they move off campus it is very hard for us to accommodate moving back to on-campus housing.</p>

<p>If your student has a housing scholarship that is important to your family financially, I would not consider a move off campus.</p>


<p>That only makes sense. Bama has to be able to plan/determine how many current students can be in housing, while also making sure that there are enough beds for frosh. They can’t really do that if people are moving off campus with the option to come back. </p>

<p>I agree that those with housing scholarships should stay on campus. </p>

<p>That said, since Bama has a Greek system and some housing scholarship kids may have to live in the house for a year, Bama Housing have some kind of form that these kids submit to let Bama know that they’re only going off-campus (to a Greek house) for a short time and will be returning, so Bama can keep them in the system. </p>

<p>Otherwise, a housing scholarship kid would go ahead and book his honors dorm AND ALSO book space in the Greek house…keeping his dorm room somewhat empty…which I think would be allowed.</p>

<p>^Are Greek students required to live in their house for a year? If so, maybe the waiver for those housing scholarship kids should come from the Greek system allowing them to skip any required living in the house, rather than from UA. Why should UA treat the Greek students better than other student in this regard? Independent students may have reasons to live off campus that they find equally compelling as a Greek students need to live in their house for a year. </p>

<p>As for a housing scholarship kid booking space in the dorms but living off campus, any student, Greek or Independent, could play that game, which would be an abuse that should not be allowed by UA.</p>

<p>Our housing contract does not allow for student to cancel their contracts in the middle of an academic year to move to a Greek house.</p>

<p>Greek houses, while on the campus property, are not a part of on-campus housing, and thus the housing scholarships cannot be used there. I’m going to go back to one of my earlier posts and say that if your student has a housing scholarship that is important to your family financially, I would not consider a move off campus or to Greek housing.</p>