Recreation, Parks & Tourism Administration Major

Does anyone have any admission stats on this particular program at Cal Poly SLO? This is one of my DDs top choices and I felt she was fairly competitive until I ran her MCA.

Stats are:
SAT Superscore 1320
ACT 28
Rank #44 in class of 504
ECs include 2 sports, Yearbook (section editor 3 years), 2 community service organizations outside of school, student govt.
But when I run her MCA it is only 4107, so now I am worried.

She has completed 1 AP class and currently enrolled in 2 additional ones and has completed 5 honors classes, but does not have a lot of classes above and beyond the requirements (example she only took 2 years of foreign language) and she has not had a job yet mainly because her ECs/Sports have kept her from having the availability employers want, I think the last 2 factors are keeping her MCA low.


Have you looked at this thread from last year? Use the magnifying glass on the top or bottom of the thread and type in your key word to find posts related to your key word.

The majority of the MCA points come from the GPA, Test scores and HS course rigor, so not going above and beyond the CSU a-g course minimums will impact the MCA points.

Below is a link to the course recommendations by SLO:

She is somewhere between “CSU Semesters Required” and “Cal Poly Semesters Desired” I’m not even sure how someone would be able to obtain 10 semesters of English at her high school and there were no classes offered at her middle school that could be used for high school. Her foreign language was Latin and she had planned to take the 3rd year online, but between playing Club Soccer and 2 sports at school it never happened…so I guess she will move on to “Plan B”

Just figured out how to search the 2019 stats and she may be ok, there were 2 accepted last year with similar MCAs.

Best of luck to her and just remember that her chances are dependent upon the current Freshman applicants and how her MCA points stack up against them. Every year the MCA threshold by major can be different.