Recruitment Emails From Ivies?

<p>Ok so whats up with the emails from Penn, Yale and Harvard? I LOVE getting them but I have been told it doesnt actually mean anything if harvard sends you an email. I get another email from harvard, the latino department, saying I should apply and congradulating me on outstanding achievements. I feel flattered and stuff, but again that whole "they send it to everyone so people apply" thing rings through my head. Im applying of course, i planned to anyway, but my scores arent like SUPER AMAZING or anything like that. So is it really just to recruit or do they actually care/want you at their school/do you have a shot?</p>

<p>I got the same email today, too. Pretty sure it’s a mass email sent out to URMs. Though, it would be cool if it meant something!</p>

<p>Ds got it, too. It’s neither meaningless nor particularly meaningful. </p>

<p>Colleges buy names of kids who test well (PSAT, SAT, ACT or APs) and then send them mail. So, you’ve been identified as a high-performing URM, but so have thousands of others. If you were going to apply anyway, then by all means do so, but don’t think that the e-mail is any kind of promise or read TOO much into it.</p>

<p>^Ditto. YDS</p>

<p>My D has been getting those too.</p>

<p>I’ve gotten an e-mail from a URM Recruiter at Harvard from Puerto Rico. It was from a Harvard senior. She let me ask her questions about the school.</p>