Red Tape at NYU?!?


<p>Is this true that there is an underlying "red tape" vibe at NYU?</p>

<p>I've skimmed through a couple of NYU forums and have read about how it's been difficult and unpleasant for some students to get certains things done. I've read that students get the run around when trying to register for classes. I've also read that the admissions people are very nasty over the phone! </p>

<p>I find it very hard to believe that an educational institution would be so harsh and NOT want to help its students, but is the Big Bad NYU Myth true?</p>

<p>And are the students at NYU stuck up d**k wads?</p>

<p>Well it depends, since it’s such a huge university it’s a given that you’re going to feel the frustrations of a bureaucratic school. But I had a great advisor who was straightforward and genuinely wanted to help me. It’s a huge school and I knew that coming in so it didn’t surprise me.</p>

<p>As for calling admissions people, I don’t know about that b/c I’ve never had to. </p>

<p>As for the students, it’s so huge that you will more likely than not meet someone you won’t like. But there are so many people here it’s hard to define a “typical” NYU student.</p>

<p>I’ve talked to the admissions people before to ask them a couple questions over the phone and they were extremely nice and helpful.</p>

<p>Good, a glimmer of hope! :-)</p>

<p>I got a call back in an hour after I left a voice message to the admissions office. So, hopefully this kind of treatment is true if you see them in person.</p>

<p>parent here. EVERY person I have dealt with in Financial aid, bursar, etc has been VERY nice and helpful.</p>

<p>just yesterday my son got an email saying he owed money for spring. His anticipated Stafford loan was not showing as ‘due in’. I called, someone checked and updated his record. they even called me back to tell me it had been done. </p>

<p>I know my son has emailed professors and not had any problems making contact.</p>

<p>There was a problem with his pay for Work Study (they had the wrong number in the system for him). A call to payroll got that figured out and the sent him a check for taxes that had been withheld and shouldn’t have been (fica taxes)</p>

<p>Have there been minor issues to resolve. Sure, that is life. But the test (for me) is how people act/react when something needs to be fixed. </p>

<p>I have nothing but good words to say for every person I have dealt with.</p>

<p>Parent here as well. Various departments have been pretty responsive (and pleasant) on the few things I’ve had to get involved with (loans not being released, etc). Just had an almost immediate response from the Parent Helpline e-mail with an answer to a question I had. Granted, there have been some irritations but in light of all the other things that will happen in life, these are minor, believe me. </p>

<p>Professors tend to be very accessible through e-mail. Daughter just received an answer to a question she asked of a professor she will have next semester (and they are on break now!) Professors communicate very frequently through e-mail - so keep up with your e-mail, delete and organize frequently. </p>

<p>Daughter’s advisor was not the greatest, but she just found out the advisor has left NYU mid year and she’ll be assigned someone else.</p>

<p>Your NYU Home Account is a wealth of information. In your Albert, you can check to see if payments have been received, grades are posted, even what your accepted AP credits and college course credits tally up to. </p>

<p>For those of you still in the admissions process, the NYU Admissions Bulletin Board can probably answer any question you have. Look through the FAQs or questions already answered, and if you still don’t find what you need, an admissions counselor will graciously help you out (even to the point of looking to see if something was received.)</p>

<p>[NYU</a> Admissions Bulletin Board - Powered by eve community](<a href=“]NYU”></p>

<p>Just my view, but the fact that a student can register for classes, apply for your housing, meal plan etc. all through a computer in your dorm room is pretty amazing. Back in the old days, we waited on a lot of lines…</p>