Reed ED Brigade Two Zero Thirteen

<p>I'm not sure if there are many of us around, but I feel like we (I) need a thread to blow off our collective steam in these trying few final hours (days) before decisions. Because it seems everyone else I've ever known who was waiting for a letter of acceptance come Dec. 15th has found they'll be alerted a few days early, while I just read the fine print a little more closely and discovered that decisions are just <em>mailed</em> on the 15th, and the track record shows emails aren't any prompter. </p>

<p>So, you guys, if you're out there, let's open up a communal dialogue, get to know each other, congratulate each other if we get in and get to know each other better, or, in the more likely scenario, watch each other's screen-names disappear into the oblivion of cyberspace past. </p>

<p>For starters, standard fare: What other schools are you fellows interested in? If you could bring only one seminal '70's british post punk album to a desert island, what would it be?</p>

<p>I’m with you! Only a few days more… Are you sure we don’t get emails? I would imagine there would be a decision on the Reed website with your ID thing. I’m so excited :)</p>

<p>BTW, if you get in, my son tells me that the hot place to show up is Facebook – there’s usually a Reed class of whatever you are created soon after. There’s also the ReedLJ, which I’d suggest reading but not posting to yet.</p>

<p>Aw, good luck to you guys! :slight_smile:
I’m probably applying RD, and will be waiting much longer.</p>

<p>There’s also an LJ comm for Reed prospies, but it’s not too active. Still helpful, though.</p>

<p>I wish the best of luck to you all :slight_smile: I’ve been crossing off days on my calendar for a few weeks now so I’m just ready to have the band-aid ripped off and know once and for all.</p>

<p>I can’t imagined being deferred to RD o.e; Having to wait until late March for an answer would probably bring me to tears as badly as being denied completely.</p>

<p>And the other schools? Local safety school, Brown, Bennington, Johns Hopkins. As for the album? I’d probably take anything from The Cure. Next to A Flock of Seagulls I think they really shaped popular music in the 80’s and I mean come on, nobody knows synthesizers like The Cure does!</p>

<p>So what I’ve heard is that they’ll email you if you’re accepted on the 15th, but just because they don’t email you on the 15th doesn’t mean you’re rejected (even though they WON’T email you if you are rejected), as they’ve screwed that up often. Evidence from the vaults of this forum shows most people found out on the 17th.</p>

<p>Album? Entertainment by Gang of Four.
Other Schools? Whitman, University of Chicago, Colorado College, University of Vermont, Swarthmore, James Cook University, University of Tasmania.</p>

<p>Geez, I can’t imagine not getting something on the 15th and then finding out later that “Oh, it’s completely okay.” It’s the college acceptance equivalent of thinking a parent is dead and then finding out two days later that they’re fine. Emotional whiplash? I think so.</p>

<p>Is the 17th by email or by regular mail?</p>

<p>Both? Depends on where you live for regular mail, I guess. </p>

<p>The real question is whether they email you for a deferral…</p>

<p>If it helps any, last year, my son’s ED acceptance EMAIL didn’t arrive until December 18th. His snail mail letter arrived a day or two after that. </p>

<p>Do not panic if you don’t get something on the 15th, the 16th or the 17th. The news will come when it does, and hopefully it will be good news for all of you!</p>

<p>Maybe it was just some quirk in the system and they’ve worked it out for this year. I’ll keep telling myself that to keep my hopes up that I won’t have to wait longer than Monday.</p>

<p>Did you guys send in any extra things to the schools (creative supplement, cake, etc xD)? Not that any of that matters anymore now that they have my application, but I’m curious I guess.</p>

<p>No cake, but I sent in a creative supplement with way more material than they wanted to read, I’m sure - a scientific paper, a journal article, a short story I wrote the night before the application was due, etc - but what I’m REALLY hoping does it for me is the cover letter for the creative supplement. God, was that aesthetically pleasing - I matched the font of it the the REED COLLEGE font and everything.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what else I’ll send them if they defer me, as they’re pretty overloaded with my rubbish. Maybe my SAT’s or something.</p>

<p>I am applying for RD but still hope you guys can receive the acceptance snail mail soon!</p>

<p>do anyone understand why international kids can’t apply for ED2?</p>

<p>Originally I thought it had to deal with getting education visas and such, but then, it doesn’t say they don’t have the ability to apply RD so I really have /no/ idea.</p>

<p>Haha! I used the Reed College thing on my cover letter for my extra reader’s log too! Great minds think alike. I also sent in a claymation I shot a year ago for biology detailing harp seals. Bloody amazing I got that done in two days, but still. I figure if I get deferred there’s nothing I can do but wait. They have my soul on paper and I’m not sure I could give much more than that, aside from potentially taking the ACT again.</p>

<p>Reed Question 2: If you had to live out the life of one tragic greek hero who would it be and why?</p>

<p>Actually, the only Greek epic I’ve ever read is the Odyssey (soon to change, I obviously hope), so I don’t think I’m in any great position to respond to that. Maybe Orestes?</p>

<p>How could they reject someone who sent them a claymation about harp seals? You’d sure have to have a lot of typos.</p>

<p>Minutes turn into hours… Arrgggh!! Okay so I was actually hoping to open my e-mail at midnight on Sunday until I read this thread and realized that maybe it might be a little longer wait then I thought :slight_smile:
Desert Island album: Pink Floyd- Anything or Nirvana (not seventies, but still necessary for desert island listening)
I guess I would be Hades, because I’m just as misunderstood.
I’m applying to Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, UC Riverside, and UCI. CSUSF, CSUN, and a couple others.</p>

<p>I suppose it’s fitting that my first post on this site is on this thread. </p>

<p>I would be Orestes. He is by far the most clever.</p>

<p>With fewer than 48 hours left… good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Haha! Yeah I thought that the claymation might fit with my Why Reed essay in the whole “I love combining my quirky creative side with my serious academic side” kick. But after reading the prospie lj I’ve started to just get all bugged out and worried that maybe I should just flip a coin to chance my getting in.</p>

<p>Nirvana is definitely necessary and fits in very well with your being Hades xD God I wish they would just send it in on midnight Sunday. I was on the Brown board the other day and they were counting down the minutes because they new exactly when results would be posted. Lucky >.></p>

<p>I think I would be Antigone. I mean, she’s such a rock on female heroine that really, her tragic flaw of determination barely even counts. </p>

<p>According to my google countdown there is one day, four hours, fifty five minutes, and forty seconds until Monday. Which means nothing now, but still!</p>

<p>If I were a girl, I would have said Antigone.</p>

<p>That does make all the difference doesn’t it. Personally, I’m waiting for a compelling “Oedipus Rex” argument. Poor poor oedipus.</p>