Reed Philosophy Department?

<p>I've heard good things about Reed's Philosophy Department. Can a student/alumnus elaborate with their personal experiences?</p>

<p>phil department is amazing</p>

<p>hope you love analytic! (wehaznocontenential!!!1!)</p>

<p>Aristotle, plato, duhem, ayer, kripke, locke, quine, cartwright, descartes, and many more!</p>

<p>When people say the philosophy at Reed is hardcore analytic, how hardcore do they mean? Would you study in any class philosophers like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard? How about more contemporary thought like Foucault, Heidegger, and Satre? I only ask because I would like to be exposed to a breadth of philosophy, not just “analytic.”</p>


<p>Would you study in any class philosophers like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard? How about more contemporary thought like Foucault, Heidegger, and Satre?
[Reed</a> College Philosophy Department](<a href=“]Reed”>Philosophy Department - Reed College)</p>

<p>I’m a philosophy prof at an Ivy institution and can tell you that Reed sends very good people on to graduate school. The best philosophy program at any small liberal arts college, in my opinion. As for coverage, it’s primarily analytic, but also historical, and you will cover the thinkers mentioned above, I’m sure, but not in the same depth. The same can be said for all good departments in the US. You’ll get more continental philosophy in the other liberal arts than in philosophy classes at Reed. Take English if you want to read Derrida.</p>

<p>considering that philosophy is discursive, I find it had to imagine that you can study analytic at the preclusion of continental.</p>