Regaining Federal Financial Aid.

     Years ago I lost Federal aid eligibility due to failure to meet SAP requirements. My cumulative GPA was a 1.9 which registered an academic probationary period for the following semester. With this being said I simultaneously failed to meet the PACE requirements (Program completion within 150% of  the time-frame of normal 15 credit semester student (2 years)). Due to a change in majors after 1 year, most of those credits did not transfer to my new program which left me at the 150% mark that spring with 20-25 credits left on the program. My adviser notified me that a completion of the degree out of pocket would have allowed me to be reinstated on my original probationary response, but chose to withdraw instead due to my lack of funding. 

     This was 2 years ago, and I am aware of an Academic Restart policy that allows me to reset my GPA after a 3 year absence. My question is will my academic restart allow me to be reinstated to financial aid? Or will I have to seek private aid due to my original drop? My aims now are to start at a vocational school, but I am not sure how my previous SAP status at my old college will affect that, and or how I would go about being reinstated if even possible.
  • James.

You’ll need to file an appeal for finacial aid with your new school. They may be able to grant it to you for one term, to see how you do, so talk to admissions there.

How long is the vocational program? You still are past the 150% point; that is still going to be an issue for you. Talk to the school.

The only way to know for sure is to ask someone knowledgeable in the financial aid office. SAP requirements vary by school, and your school will be able to tell you exactly what your options are.

Vocational Program would be a 2 year program, and yes I have exceeded the 150% so I will contact my new school.
Thank you for the responses, much appreciated.