<p>Our weather sucks more? At least can actually see our weather!!</p>
<p>Great smog you guys got there. Now you see me, now you don't. :D</p>
<p>Our weather sucks more? At least can actually see our weather!!</p>
<p>Great smog you guys got there. Now you see me, now you don't. :D</p>
<p>Dude, is this bickering really necessary?</p>
<p>But for facts, I don't know about San Francisco being that much better.
According to <a href="http://lungaction.org/reports/SOTA07_stateparticle.html?geo_area_id=06%5B/url%5D">http://lungaction.org/reports/SOTA07_stateparticle.html?geo_area_id=06</a>
San Francisco gets a big fat F, same as the SoCal counties.</p>
<p>Point is, neither is better. Both has its good, both has its bad. The end.</p>
<p>ahh, yes... our air is nice and fresh -- that must be the reason why we aren't all messed up in the head as are the polluted minds of SoCal kids ;] </p>
<p>seriously though, why is it that during baseball games here @ SF, a dodger fan always starts a fight or some problems. i think it was a year ago when two dodger fans stabbed a giants fan after a game in the parking lot. so uncivilized man... =p</p>
<p>i'm from san mateo, and wow, it topples LA in that report.</p>
<p>Yanno, you guys may be originally from NorCal, but now that you're going to UCSD, you guys are officially SoCal kids too. You're going to be breathing that saaaaaaaaaaame air as the rest of the population at UCSD.</p>
<p>;) Guess what that means for your mind, by your own logic.</p>
<p>hehehehe, fun. well, la jolla's air couldn't be too bad. even though it's SoCal, it's right next to the ocean which cleans its air. San Luis Obispo is in SoCal, but its air is still "clean" (from the report). so basically, we stay the same =] </p>
<p>and actually, ucsd (with all its hills and fog) looks exactly like the SF/San Mateo area where i'm from, which is one of the reasons why i chose to go here. SoCal, UCSD -- both the same, so i guess i just gotta have pride for both=p</p>
<p>SoCal > NorCal</p>
<p>San Diego ain't bad in terms of air. It's Los Angeles I was talking about.</p>
<p>In regards to SF getting an "F," it's more like a 59.444444444444% kind of "F." LA gets a 0%. It is notorious for its smog issues downtown, and everyone who isn't living under a rock knows about it. My English teacher last year was originally from San Bernardino and he told us about how the San Bernardino mountains were only a few miles away from his home, but as a child he rarely saw what they looked like in the morning because of the smog. How sad.</p>
<p>This pictures demonstrates just how pathetic the LA area is in terms of air quality: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Smoggy_haze_in_the_Inland_Empire.JPG%5B/url%5D">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Smoggy_haze_in_the_Inland_Empire.JPG</a></p>
<p>Hope you guys don't die of lung cancer.</p>
<p>And about hyphy, that "movement" is a real embarassment to Bay.</p>
<p>So what? LA is the heartland of Hollywood and everything west-coast. Hyphy music AKA Music That sounds like **** originated in the bay area. yeah im sure you guys outsell us real west coast rappers. we have dre, tupac , snoop dogg, the game, all of which are from west coast, southern cali. your music sucks, you guys get rained on more, you environment sucks, no one lives up there aside from san jose and SF and norcal is a joke. live with it, you're gay, go die. i hate you.</p>
<p>^Your posts lately have been filled with passion, I can't say I hate it.</p>
<p>Good. I really love Southern Cali, that's why</p>
<p>we'll see when the first month comes around...</p>
<p>Haha, don't get your hopes too up; you're going to be disappointed by UCSD.
As far as SoCal goes, UCSD is lame-town. True it has the beaches and the sun, but social life = bleh. SunGod is the best day of the year (next to Welcome Week for 1st years) because people are actually gdamn social, happy and say hi to people they don't know.</p>
<p>Uh okay.....San Diego > All cities in CALI</p>
<p>I'm not saying SD itself is lame. I'm saying the campus setting of UCSD is (relatively) lame.</p>
<p>::rolls eyes::</p>
<p>Generalizations are ignorant attempts at making sense of things. Saying "all" people of a certain group abide by a certain behavior is just plain dumb. </p>
<p>This bickering about who is better than who is ABSURD. Are you all being serious? I hope this is your idea of a freshman prank.</p>
<p>Tupac was actually born in New York. His family moved to Marin County (north of SF) right after his birth and that's where he was raised. He's affiliated with LA rappers, but he never represented LA.</p>
<p>(Socal=Norcal)> Everywhere else, lol</p>
<p>seeing iran.4 getting owned is awesome</p>
<p>Listen, it doesn't matter, West Coast rap, you know the music that outsells that E-40 garbage; speaking of that crap music, what the the hell is ghost riding the whip? Sounds like a S&M sexual position, what's up with that? Gross, anyway, southern California has the weather, the big-breasted chicks, the good life, close proximity to Mexico, better sight-seeing, LA, Universal Studios, California Adventure, Knotts Berry Farm, Disneyland, LegoLand, Sea World. You know what Northern California has?</p>
<p>Here's I'll make a list,</p>
<p>Southern California = Everything I just listed above</p>
<p>Northern California=</p>
<p>you forgot one thing that cancels out all the good things in socal...you're there</p>