Regarding Hyphy at UCSD.

<p>That's cute cr_book, but facts are facts</p>

<p>Actually, IRAN.4, West Coast rap, norcal or socal, isn't hot right now. And the last person from the west in the top 10? E-40. That's right.</p>

<p>Snoop Dogg was #1 with Akon on "I Wanna Love You" but Akon owns that song, not Snoop Dogg.</p>

<p>So IRAN, you can suck it, with your smoggy weather and whoopie-cushion, floppy-breasted chicks.</p>

<p>IRAN4: </p>

<p>norcal has the leet schools Stanford and Cal (even though ucsd is still awesome!).
The SILICON VALLEY (sprinkled all over with HIGH TECH companies and where Apple, Google, FACEBOOK headquarters are located and where lots of rich/smart ppl work)
San Fran
HYPHY (kinda cool that a genre of music originated from somewhere close by)
Ambassador of the Bay e40! i think its funny in all his songs he has to say "ooohhhh" and make that noise.
HELLA (a word that unites norcal ppl and is a lot better than socal's "grip of" or whatever that crap is that no one says)</p>

<p>...oh yeahhhh IjustRAN all over your face with these cool facts IRAN4. haha jk. who cares?</p>

<p>Wow cool. You have the Capital, I'm sure that makes you feel really political, seeing as San Francisco's liberal @$$ did nothing to vote Arnold out. I'm sure your liberal norcal (and I'm a liberal too) did a fantastic job. Yeah SD is 50/50 over politics but it's a great city. You guys are filled with asians, we're filled with hispanics. Hispanic women > Asian women by a mile. I don't wanna hear about your Silicon Valley garbage. Don't even compare that industry with LA's Hollywood and the surrounding areas. Santa Barbara alones unloads a huge dump on Oakland anyday. And what the hell is Yosemite? Cool, a national park, one out of the thousands in the USA. We have all those places that I named in ONE AREA, something no other place has except maybe Orlando, Florida, but even they get stupid hurricanes and rain every other day. Face it, you came to UCSD to get way from your strict parents who probably beat you everyday for getting a B+, you're a middle of the road asian, you get denied @ Stanford and Cal, and decided to settle for sunny San Diego. As for music, Filabusta, I don't know if you're a Senator or BustaRhyme's cousin, but the point is, SoCal West coast rap has outsold every kind of rap period.</p>

<p>Whatever. Socal has Mojave. That kills EVERYTHING.</p>

<p>NorCal is NorCal, that REALLY brings my P.ISS to a boil</p>

<p>I can't believe you all are arguing about where is the better place to live with such determination.</p>

<p>This is insane. Good luck at UCSD... mature up a bit before you come, yeah? It'll do us all a favor. If not, I'm sure you'll gain some maturity once you get here.</p>

<p>I'll gain maturity in addition to the Freshman 15</p>

<p>Even if either norcal or socal wins, there will still be better places.</p>

<p>Not better places in USA, that's for sure</p>

<p>Eff that!</p>

<p>Texas is better.</p>

<p>.....and to think that I was supposed to marry YOU.....a Texan cowgirl....</p>

<p>yea this norcal vs. socal thing is pointless. it's the type of stuff that the bottom 10% of a school class would argue over, and i'm done being around that.</p>

<p>IRAN is owning this thread. JV get off your soapbox already.</p>

<p>socal ftw!!!!!!!</p>

<p>what's going on</p>

<p>^What do you care? Your life is over! lol jk..</p>

<p>mikoyle get off iran's **** noob</p>

<p>tien made a</p>

<p>IRAN.4... </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>And for me, the only reason I'm going to UCSD is because your SD school is paying for all of my costs. I got into Stanford, Berkeley, & UCLA. It's just my family isn't the richest.</p>