<p>Hi~ I'm a SCEA applicant from China. </p>
<p>I have a few questions about Yale's FA policies (both stated and actual) and I would appreciate your answers.</p>
<p>1: Does Yale really stick to its need-blind policy when it comes to international students? Does it make any difference if I'm Asian (overrepresented)or African(underrepresented)? </p>
<p>2: If as an international student, I do not apply for FA. Do I need to fill in a form called "International Student Certificate of Finance" when applying to Yale? If so, where can I find such a requirement on Yale's website? (I've been searching but haven't found any.) If not, doesn't Yale need to varify an international student's financial footing before making admission decisions?</p>
<p>Sincerely appreciate your help!</p>