Regents Scholarship

<p>How important or impressive is a Regent’s scholarship? Should my daughter
choose UCSD with a Regent’s over UCLA honors program?</p>

<p>Having a Regent's Scholarship has its benefits like preferred enrollment so she'll have the first choice of classes, which is nice. And the money shouldn't be bad either. I can't really speak to how impressive it is but, in my experience, when you talk to people about it they generally seem to think that you must be pretty smart to be able to get one. </p>

<p>Is your daughter getting any money/scholarships from UCLA? Is money even an issue? If not,I think she should choose to go to the school she'll be happier at.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply. That's pretty much what we were thinking but not
sure if we were missing something. She does get $ with the regent's at
UCSD but money isn't really an issue. She is visiting both this week to see
which she prefers.</p>

<p>Here's a little more information about the scholarship. Current</a> Students: Regents Scholarships</p>

<p>If you had more questions about UCSD I'd be glad to answer them.</p>