Regional vs. On-Campus Audition

So, I have heard differing audition experiences with Marymount Manhattan, and it generally seems that the regional auditions are run differently from the on-campus ones. For my regional audition this week in Atlanta, I had to pass a prescreen, and when I received the audition schedule, it was very different from what I had expected.

For one thing, there is no dance audition slot. Is this the same for other people’s regional auditions? Also, I’ve heard that at some auditions the MMC auditors have everyone walk around the room and say their monologues at the same time, but at some I’ve heard that the students individually performed each one. And for your songs, was anyone asked to do a second after they had performed their first? And did they conduct an informal interview in the form of a few questions after you finished singing/acting, or was the interview portion separate?

If anyone here has had experience at the MMC regional auditions I would love if you could tell me about your experience! Also, does anyone know about how many kids were at their regional auditions, and if you get split into smaller groups to do your songs, or is it in front of the whole group?