<p>Hi, has anyone auditioned this year (really from 08-09) for MT? (I know it’s really MT minor with BA Acting). We visited over the summer and were impressed with the program. It seems like the MT minor is really like a “BFA” in MT at other schools. Anyway, if anyone has already auditioned could you please give a brief idea about how the day was planned? So far, my some of the schools where my S auditioned have done things differently than what was posted on the web (even in his info. papers he received!). Thank you!</p>
<p>I would love some info as well. I’m auditioning this weekend (Saturday Jan 24) and it would be nice to know how things are run! Thanks!</p>
<p>I think you can anticipate things to be run similarly to how they have been run in years past at MMC, info session first, followed by being broken up into separate groups (those who are auditioning for acting and MT). My D sat with her group and did her monologue and song; you do this in front of everyone, and some people really seem to struggle with this for some reason. Afterwards, there was a group dance audition, which was rather basic, and a piece of cake if you have any dance training. </p>
<p>The people who run the audition are very nice, but the way things are run is different from most other college auditions; the only other audition where my D sang and acted in front of others that were auditioning was at the Point Park “callback”, and I think it would help if you are mentally prepared for that. My D’s overall take was that it was a little long, but at the same time, she found it interesting to see what monologues and songs the other people had picked :D.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info!</p>
<p>Just to let everyone know, this year things DO run exactly as MTgirlsmom explained. I auditioned yesterday. The dance call was extremely easy— maybe 30 seconds max. Watching everyone do their songs and monologues was actually really cool and definitely a learning experience. Being able to see what works (and doesn’t work) in an audition is really informative. The faculty for the most part was very nice and understanding that we were nervous. Overall, it was a great day. They told us we would know by March 1.</p>
<p>Hi, music<em>is</em>life… I’m the mom of one of the boys who was also there yesterday. (It was a long day!) He also felt like it went well. Don’t know what group you were in but he was in thegroup with 2boys (funny…they both had chosen the same song). He was the 2nd boy and he decided to sing the piece because he really liked it and felt he could interpret it differently. He also got a good feeling from the MM staff. Best of luck to you!</p>
<p>Maril-- did your son happen to sing Being Alive? If so, I was in his group!</p>
<p>Yes! (He was the 2nd boy). I actually spoke to 2 girls in the restroom(lol) before we were about to leave and they were in his group. I couldn’t resist asking how they thought he did as well as wishing both of them the best, also. What song did you sing? If you don’t want to post it , you can send me a private post. We thought that out of the thousands of songs, how funny was it that 2 boys would choose the same! What did you think of his monologue? He switched up the one he had planned on doing and I have to say, I hadn’t heard about this one. Since you were there, did you think it was “appropriate?” He told us he wanted to do something unexpected…I hope he made the right decision! Thanks for your input…hope everyone has choices!</p>
<p>Music-Is-Life -</p>
<p>My d. had the same feeling that you did. It was a good experience for an audition, although the day felt pretty long for me as we also drove back to VA last night. Good luck on this one. The school seemed nice.</p>
<p>racmom-- I recognized your D from the december uarts audition! She was in my audition group at marymount as well! It’s funny how the same people seem to show up all the auditions!! Good luck to her! I loved her monologue-- it was absolutely hysterical!!</p>
<p>Did anyone here audition last week for acting? I was in the A-Ml group or something like that…curious to know if anyone here was in it! I’m applying as a transfer…I did the monologue from Spike Heels and I wore a red dress…</p>
<p>I really enjoyed the whole group audition…the warm up was very relaxing and it made the room feel more comfortable afterward. And the whole audition didn’t feel very long, although it was about 4 hours, I think. We took a five minute break and I was the first monologue after that, which was nice because I was able to get up and walk around a bit before I got up there. </p>
<p>They said we would hear by mid-Feb to March…I highly doubt it’s going to be sooner rather than later, but it would be nice!</p>
<p>My d auditioned and rec’d an acceptance email the next day. We are waiting until the offical letter (they said it was in the mail) to make a formal announcement. I am sure this is not the norm, we were just fortunate this time, and the majority of acceptances will go out in March (which is the date they gave the group.) Good Luck. I am sure you were fabulous. BTW my d also wore a red dress so that was a good choice.</p>
<p>EnjoytheAdvetur-- did she audition for the acting program or MT program? at any rate, congrats to her! that is very exciting!</p>
<p>She auditioned for MT, however she checked the MT minor with both BFA Acting and BA Theater Performance majors. The email did not specify which she got in to, it instructed her to wait for the letter for all of the details. So we don’t know yet. </p>
<p>Thank you for the kind words. Good luck to you too!! I am excited for her to go to school with wonderful kids like I have found on this website.</p>
<p>EnjoyTheAdventur - wow, really awesome, congrats to your daughter! I wonder if they end up emailing everybody or just some people (I’ve heard of some schools calling, maybe this is their version of that?)</p>
<p>Congrats to her, though! She must be really excited. </p>
<p>And yeah, I noticed most girls weren’t really wearing dresses (a lot of people I saw were wearing jeans!) but I just took a chance because I’d heard the warm ups weren’t something that would be bad to wear a dress in. It just ended up fitting my character more…and I think the red made me stand out a bit - sounds like it did for your daughter too :)</p>
<p>Just wondering - how much info did the email give you? Weird they wouldn’t say which major!</p>
<p>Granualle - thank you for the kind words. She was very excited. She had rehearsal the night prior so we started our journey at 9 pm and drove all night (I drove, she slept) to arrive the next morning. She auditioned in the afternoon, then we drove home. Adding in the rush hour traffic, getting lost and some rest stops for naps we arrived home at 4:00 am. I went to sleep and she stayed up to do the homework she had that was due that day. I woke up, checked my email and was very happily surprized. I had her check the email when she arrived home from school and even though she was dog-tired, she jumped 3 feet high and screamed loud enough to be heard 2 towns over. </p>
<p>The email gave very little info. We are waiting on the letter they said would arrive soon. The lack of info in the email is why I didn’t post this under the accepted thread. However, as you directly asked if anyone had heard, I felt as if I should reply. I will post the details when the letter arrives.</p>
<p>Regarding attire, I have heard a dress is ALWAYS the way to go. The main faculty speaker in our audition was wearing a tie (an extremely attractive one) and jacket so if he felt this was an important event I think he might appreciate auditioners that dressed as if they too felt this was an important event. As many posts have mentioned, the purpose of the audition is not just to rate one’s monologue and song, but also to determine by the auditioner’s characteristics, demeanor, and attitude if they would be a good fit for their college. I have no doubts the auditioners were noting how the students were acting during the entire 4 hours - when they were performing and when others were performing. I think you made a very smart decision to wear a dress.</p>
<p>I was very impressed by the informational meeting prior to the audition. Our group had some very specific, to the point questions which were directly answered. And there were no ‘this is what they want to hear’ answers. I appreciated their honesty. It was also quite apparent that the faculty cares about their students and want them to succeed. </p>
<p>It seems like an excellent program and my d and I both feel very blessed.</p>
<p>I realize you don’t know the details of which program your D got into yet, but I just want to say congrats to her for her achievement and that they accepted her so quickly. Must feel great! I look forward to the update. Best wishes!</p>
<p>Hello everyone. I am new to this forum but I wanted to see if anyone knows about the email acceptance being sent out to students. My daughter auditioned last week and received a email on Friday saying she was accepted. She just opened it when we got back today from unifieds in NY. We assumed the email meant she was accepted to the college only and we would have to wait to hear from the drama department about acceptance to that. Are we correct? I just wanted to know. She would be so excited if it was an acceptance to the program too. Can anyone clarify this before we have to call the school tomorrow. Thanks for the information.</p>
<p>Ours could be an ‘accepted to the college only’ also.</p>
<p>My d has been academically accepted to several colleges. Each of their emails were very speciifc that it was an academic acceptance only. Whereas this email did not state that anywhere. It was also received after the audition (which could just be coincidence)</p>
<p>Once you speak with the school would you please post your findings. Thanks</p>
<p>We are hoping that it is an acceptance to the Drama program but we could not remember what they told us about acceptance notices. All the schools are beginning to run into each other and we could not remember the details but oneof the alumni told us they call you with an acceptance so we are just confused. This is all so difficult to keep up with when they apply to so many schools. I will call first thing tomorrow to find out one way or the other. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.</p>