<p>Does anyone know if the registration code requirement that we needed under ISIS has become obsolete under SIS?</p>
<p>I'm hearing that you no longer need a code to register and that the system will know when you are eligible when you enter the system. Since I'm not a fan of SIS in general I just want to double check to see if anyone knew for sure.</p>
<p>Yup. Your advisor clicks a little button to remove his hold. It used to be, to remove such a hold, you got the code from them.</p>
<p>Yes it is the one redeeming feature</p>
<p>Yup. Hazel you graduating in May?</p>
<p>I actually have 1 more year since I’m in the 5 year ed program!</p>
<p>How about you Shoe, are out this year?</p>
<p>Barring anything less than a 60 on my upcoming two tests or a meteor, yup
seems like yesterday I was on here worrying about transferring and you about applying as a first year.</p>
<p>What a ride…once graduation is confirmed, I’ll post a farewell and my hindsight, while not 20/20, it may be a bit unsettling for those who knew me from start to finish. Do have a job lined up that I’m really excited for, PM me if you want to know more</p>
<p>That is great news shoe but we will miss you. Thankfully (and I am really surprised to admit it) it will be good to know that we will still have Hazel and Dean J around for guidance. They always knows how to find the details someone is looking for.</p>
<p>You are right, the time has flown by. The nervous kid you guys guided through the admissions process will be a rising third year. I will PM you to hear the details of the new job.</p>
<p>I’ll try to pop in every once in awhile. I know Cav tried, and did, for awhile, but I’m sure one day I’ll fade into the background. I’m working in NoVa, so you can bet your butt I’ll be back for football games and various alumni stuff. I also have other motives to be in Cville, see your PM vistany, and think “wing-flapping” :)</p>
<p>I wonder how weird it is for Dean J to see us all come and go on here</p>