<p>For Diversity Hosting, they’re only having us stay one night, and they’re arranging our flights. Meaning that of the week you chose (ie April 9-12), you will be staying just one night, not all of them.</p>
<p>That’s what I thought, foreverariana. Thanks for clearing that up!</p>
<p>@emimart i called them too lol! the lady sounded so tired of dealing with people like us. does anyone know if they make exceptions to the one night stay rule? I’m coming from hawaii so it’s like a full day of flying each way so I’m hoping they will let me stay two nights…
Also! I did the alternative college application thing (For human ecology and CAS) is there any way to find out which one we got into sooner than march 30?</p>
<p>I was just wondering… what’s the $40 for? What does it cover? I’m only asking because I’m not one of those people who will benefit from the “complimentary” airfare. Thanks and hope to see you all there!</p>