<p>So you basically have to register online and then fax over a permission form to a number provided. I tried faxing it last night and it wasn't working. Anyone else have this problem? Maybe they disconnect the fax machine at night? It was 10pm when I tried sending it which would be 1am over there because I'm on the west coast.</p>
<p>I’m going too! From California! I haven’t faxed out my stuff yet, but 10 pm our time is kind of late. Just fax it out on Monday. What college did you apply too? I got into CAS. Congrats and maybe I’ll see you there:)</p>
<p>Sweet! I applied to college of engineering. Congrats to you too!</p>
<p>I’ll be there with you guys ILR here! I got a hand written letter from a student, have you guys gotten yours yet? They’re really sweet
<p>handwritten letter? nope not yet but sounds cool! Btw what does ILR stand for? Not very good with acronyms :)</p>
<p>@shootforthestarz, nice! congrats
@scholarathlete, congrats too! i didn’t get a hand written letter! i’m now kind of jealous of you! I got an email 3 days ago inviting me to diversity weekend because I have been accepted. I didn’t believe the email, so I called the admissions office to confirm. lol</p>
<p>@emimart wow I’m from San Diego, California! Congrats!</p>
<p>ILR=Industrial and Labor Relations and yea handwritten, I enjoyed it because it was a personal actually letter written in pen. Hey maybe I’ll see you guys there! I’m from Fontana, CA, oh and they pay for our plane tickets :D</p>
<p>Looking at the dates for Diversity Hosting, it seems like it overlaps with Cornell Days. Anyone else think it would be a good idea to visit while both are going on?</p>
<p>What days are you guys going on? I’m from CA too! My school is ILR</p>
<p>wow so many cali kids. sweet! im going from April 12-14.</p>
<p>@JulianCal, that’s what my plan was. I was going to to the first week, because that’s when I have spring break, but I want to go to diversity hosting and cornell days, so i’ll probably go in mid april. I registered for the April 15-19 meeting. I hear its overnight, so I guess we’ll only be there for 1 1/2 days (unless you’re planning on going to cornell days too)</p>
<p>@shootforthestarz, did you sign up for apr 12-14 on the registration page? i only saw three options: 9-12, 15-19, and 22-26. but i think the 12-14 would be ideal so i can see the first few days of cornell days (starts on the 12th) and head back home earlier.</p>
<p>@ emimart i think the 12-14 is only for engineering students. I got two emails. One with the 12-14 date and the other had three options like you mentioned. and my registration link said college of engineering.</p>
<p>ah i see. well that makes sense! oh i forgot you got accepted for engineering! my bad :)</p>
<p>9-12 anyone?</p>
<p>Cornell stipulates that we will only be staying on campus for one night. Does anyone know where will we be sleeping during the rest of the visit?</p>
<p>What if, for example, 9-12 only stands for the range of days you’d be able to attend, meaning that you’d only attend one of those days, not the entire week? That’s what I’m thinking. Idk.</p>
<p>Accepted to CAS and from San Diego, CA!
Are your parents coming along with you to the Diversity Hosting program?
I’m going alone on a plane for the first time and I’ve never been outside of CA.</p>
<p>Did anyone else <em>facepalm</em> at the question asking if we preferred a “multicultural” person to stay with or not >__< lol</p>