Registration Question (Freshman Entering as Junior/Already in CSE Major)

<p>I'm really confused on how/when I can register for Fall 2012 classes! I'm a Running Start student and I'll be entering UW as a freshman with junior status in the fall. I also got into the CSE department through direct admission. I was planning to take Math 308 and CSE 311 this fall (I'm not sure what else I need to take yet) but I looked at the time schedule and it looks like almost all the spots are filled up for these classes! My A&O session isn't until mid-July, so is there a high chance that I won't be able to get my classes? I looked on my MyUW page and can't find anywhere that allows me to register. Any help would be appreciated!</p>

<p>I know that upcoming freshman like myself are unable to register for classes until A&O but that we can switch our classes later online if we needed to; so, it’s my assumption that you can register for classes online until after your A&O. But you can also change your A&O date online as well as people tend to drop their dates for various reasons. I just changed mine from June 21-22 to June 18-19.</p>

<p>Hey hueyosie,</p>

<p>Congrats on being admitted to the department via direct admit! See you this fall!</p>

<p>In regards to your question, the earliest you can register is during your orientation. Yes, you might not get your classes. No, it’s not the end of the world. Contact Crystal, Raven, or Elise (our awesome advisers!) and ask them about overloading CSE 311. That is, even if it is full, there is a chance you can still register for it in July if they give you an add code. A friend of mine did that a few years ago.</p>

<p>As for Math 308, look out for openings in June! Or, do you have any friends at UW who could hold Math 308 for you? It’s only 3 credits, so as long as they’ve taken Math 126 and (probably) have less than 16 credits on their plate, they can keep that on their schedule for you. Otherwise, keep checking the time schedule! Also, IF the course is full, go to lectures during the first week of Fall quarter and ask the professor if you can be overloaded. Usually this can be done unless it’s a lab course (which does not apply in this case) or if the room’s max capacity is already filled, meaning it would be a fire hazard to enroll you in the course.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, Raamzic and speedsolver! I just realized I was looking at the Time Schedule wrong…
Do these classes usually fill up very quickly?</p>

<p>Math 308 - Not really. A lot of freshmen I know actually were able to register for Math 308 mid-summer during their orientation. However, the open classes might actually not work with your schedule. Also, a lot of students just finish the Math 126 series and stop math-ing after that.</p>

<p>CSE 311 - We’ll have a new wave of CSE admits in the summer, so they’ll all be taking 311 unless they’re not done with Math 126 yet (got in through accelerated admissions). So it’s kind of hard to say. Last Fall, 311 was totally full, but this quarter, it barely filled up, I think. Again, just talk to the advisers about your situation because it’s a special case. They’ll do their best :)</p>

<p>Oh, hueyosie, if spots are still open, consider taking CSE 190m this fall (web programming). The course number is about to change to an official number and registration for the lecture, qz section, and labs begin later next week.</p>

<p>It counts as a CSE elective, as opposed to a course class, and is a fantastic course. The prereq is CSE 142, which you’ve obviously already fulfilled. I’m considering TAing it this fall, but we’ll see.</p>

<p>EDIT: Also, you’ll be in a DA seminar (1 Credit, not graded). I also suggest taking CSE 390A (System and Software Tools, aka Intro to Linux). 1 credit, pass/fail class.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the information and recommendations, speedsolver! You’re one of the most helpful people on CC :slight_smile: I’ll definitely look into taking CSE 190M and CSE 390A next quarter as well! Do you think Math 308, CSE 311, CSE 190M, CSE 390A, and the DA seminar would be manageable for my first quarter? Do you know what exactly goes on in the DA seminar?</p>

<p>Math 308 is apparently really easy (each to their own though). I’m actually taking it this fall. If you can register for section G, see you there. :wink: I don’t know much about it though …</p>

<p>DA seminar is basically a bunch of different professors/researchers come in and tell you about their work in the department. For example, there will most likely be a talk on security (my favorite talk!). It’s basically show up (if you want), pretty much guaranteed to pass it with no work unless you light stuff on fire.</p>

<p>390A is pretty simple, maybe a max of 30 minutes of work a week. I actually got swamped with work when I took this and ended up not going to class, reading lecture slides, and finishing homework anyway … You can skip up to two homeworks or something and still pass (no GPA grade).</p>

<p>I’m not sure where you took CSE 142/143 equivalent, but I would say that 190M (to be changed to 145 or something … I forget) was less work than CSE 143, but more work than CSE 142. This is coming from someone with a very brief background in java going into 142 and no web programming experience at all. You can check out the current or past courses ( and actually do the homework during the summer if you so please. After HTML/CSS weeks, it’s mostly just programming (ie ajax, js) things to happen on the website, so for me it was easier work than 142. There is no midterm. Final is the same exact format as previous quarters … basically do all the practice exams and you probably can get at least a 90% on the final without doing extra studying.</p>

<p>311 … It’s definitely work. Make friends with your classmates because it’s great to bounce ideas off each other. For most people, it’ll be their first 300 level (we have no 200s) course after 143, which may be a shocker in how much time they have to spend into it. I’m trying to make you more scared than overconfident here for this course. :wink: There’s a lot of proving (not sure how much you love those!) and many of the concepts can be difficult or confusing until you understand them. Once you get them, DING! you’ll feel kind of foolish at your confusion from the past few days trying to figure stuff out.</p>

<p>Overall - I don’t know you, you know your study habits the best of anyone in the forum. I would go for the schedule, although perhaps you want to take a nicer work load during your first quarter here.</p>

<p>I’ll definitely try to register for section G :slight_smile: Thanks for the link to the 190M website! I think I’ll do the homework for that class over the summer. You definitely scared me about 311 though… do you know anything about the professors teaching it in the fall? I don’t want to ruin my GPA in my first quarter! x]</p>

<p>Haha, maybe I should try to register for 308 G too, and we can all meet up :P</p>

<p>Never heard of any feedback about Suciu, Anderson is fine. It’s not a terrible GPA killing class, just don’t want you to feel super laid back :)</p>

<p>Awesome, thanks! I’ll try to take Anderson. Is there a website I can use to prepare for the class beforehand like for 190 or should I just look at the textbook?</p>

<p> ! (no bang!)</p>

<p>Basically rule of thumb for CS course websites:</p>

<p>cs (dot) uw (dot) edu (slash/) <number-of-course></number-of-course></p>

<p>number of the course will include a letter if there are multiple classes with the same number (ie 190<letter>, which are freshman level seminars or experiment/beta classes, 390<letter> for upper class seminars, 490<letter> more seminars?, 590<letter> graduate level seminars)</letter></letter></letter></letter></p>

<p>Almost all of our slides and resources are online for the public!</p>

<p>oh my god literally every section of 308 is full</p>

<p>D: … noooooo class buddies D:</p>

<p>Thanks for the explanation, speedsolver! Since Math 308 is full, do you know anything about AMATH 301? I might try to minor in applied math, but I’m not sure how hard that would be.</p>