Regular Decision 2020

@dweaver16 Thanks! Still hope then that I’ll hear back this round.

DD admitted! OOS, hospitality

@marcymar when did you get your decision?

Are they done?

I just checked the portal 10 minutes ago

Nothing up for me :frowning:

Since decisions are web generated, I imagine all this wave got posted at the same time. So, if you see no change yet, unfortunately notification will most likely be with the March wave. Hang in there.

This stinks. They say after 5 and post at 4; now tweet “a very small number,” of decisions sent. We need this stress???

Congrats to those admitted! I suspect/guess that those admitted had great stats/credentials so were clear “admits” vs. the March wave that may have more borderline cases? Just a guess but that would seem to make sense otherwise why have 2 waves?

DD OOS applied 12/1 to CofE. No decision. I understand that they said they have until 4/1 but I had assumed that if we were in that early we had a good chance of hearing back in late February so it is still frustrating.

DD has heard from all other schools at this point. Having to wait until late March to hear from VaTech will either (a) make it more enticing or (b) cause her to lose interest/not feel wanted. My guess/hope is (b) at this point since she has other good options.

Every year, even with the March wave to come, they seem to post a little earlier 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to time. Also, it is a very small # that gets notified early and there does not normally seem to be a total trend such as applied prior to “X” date or OOS. However, not hearing something during this wave is not an indication of the final outcome, so hang in there.

I hear you! I’m really turned off by Tech right now. There is no reason for all of this…makes you wonder how they “handle” everything else.

Is anyone having troubles opening the portal?

We are having trouble too

DS is accepted. He applied to the college of engineering, but the website doesn’t say which school/program.

@Hornet82 My friend literally applied at the last minute and he was accepted, whereas I applied a month before the deadline. It’s like they took the first damn papers off the stack.

I just checked my application status and have been offered admission. Business undecided. I have a 3.78 weighted gpa, and a 27 act composite score. I’m a member of the national honor society, business honor society, and mathematics honor society. I’m in 3 clubs, i’ve played soccer since freshman year, and done track since junior year. I’ll have completed 7 AP’s after graduating. Good luck to everyone else who applied! Btw I’m OOS.

Any ED deferrals get in? bmac I’m curious as to your hypothesis. It could also have been by a last name basis.

Are they still posting decisions? I didn’t get anything yet and my major is history for my first choice.

My son was accepted OOS - offered regular admission. From the sound of it he got his first choice which was into the school of Engineering. Want to see the paper acceptance now just to be sure. Congrats to those accepted and best of luck to those waiting to find out. The end of March can’t come soon enough.

@DeferredVT I dont think so. Im in the middle of the alphabet, and my friend has a name before mine. My other friend who has a last name at the end of the alphabet just got accepted and he applied last minute too. This is such a ridiculous admission policy.