Regular Decision 2021 Discussion/Results Thread

@sbgal2011 We were waitlisted for business as well. I have to believe major played a part. Our stats were 3.5 GPA (attends small private school w/grade deflation, all honors, school doesn’t offer AP) SAT 1350. Where else is your son considering?

@vacollegemom4 DS was accepted to VCU and GMU. I personally like the business school at GMU better but he has to make that decision. What schools are you considering?

@sbgal2011 We paid the deposit at JMU last night and are excited and moving on! We visited in Feb. and liked their business school and the professors and students we interacted with. Your son has 2 great choices! We’re so fortunate with our Virginia schools. I have heard wonderful things about GMU! Rooting for your son!

DS was accepted but not to first-choice major Architecture but to second-choice “Exploring Architecture” which he didn’t actually put down as a second choice. Trying to figure out if this is a good or not so good thing. Also accepted to UT Austin School of Architecture and Penn State Landscape Architecture. OOS (NY) for all of them. Waiting for financial aid info on all of them and also for Cornell decision (probably unlikely but who knows?). Stats: 34 ACT, 3.5 UW GPA, limited but good ECs. Anybody have thoughts on the “Exploring Architecture” track? Will find out more next week, but I’m pushing UT as the best choice.

S accepted into Exploring Arch as well. Its a way into VaTech, but definitely not Architecture. It seems they encourage these students to find other majors they may be interested in i.e. Landscape Arch etc. No information on the website regarding this “undecided” option, which is a huge red flag and certainly tells a lot about this college. The letter very clearly states this in no way guarantees acceptance into Architecture as a Sophomore/Transfer. This tells me the quality of the students freshman effort would not necessarily determine acceptance it’s simply a function of quantity-ie the number of spaces available, could be zero, one, two, no way to know. So S must decide which is more important, becoming an architect or a hokie. Which will serve him better in the long run? My opinion is probably obvious.

Great choices @jtdubs! I agree that choosing the program to which you were directly admitted makes the most sense.

You can’t go wrong with UT or PSU.

Thanks @citizen17 and @STEM2017. As the word on this site seems to be that merit $$ are scarce at VT, I’m thinking that will help make the decision for us when all of the news is in…

@lopeztlo7 @sbgal2011 My daughter was waitlisted (Business). Not too shocked, though.

Well since I don’t have a team in this March Madness, I might as well root for the team that took down VT.

Go Wisconsin!

@SCLady12 my oldest son’s girlfriend is finishing her masters at CofC. She loves it! My son says that Charleston is the best city in the world and they would love to end up there! Good luck to her. However, last year a ton of kids from my daughters HS called and appealed their waitlist and got it. Just depends what she wants. She will thrive wherever she ends up!

And then took down #1Villanova, @STEM2017. Wisconsin is surely on a roll.
I’m rooting for the USC Trojans in NCAA Cinderella fashion. Fight on!! Never Give Up

I still have not heard back from Syracuse, no email and portal wont let me access my application thing. Does that mean it is likely I got rejected?

@jmek15 After dispatching the mighty Duke, looks like I will have to start rooting for the other USC now! Maybe @Mom2aphysicsgeek will join me.

@jtdubs my son was accepted to Environmental Policy and Planning (also did not put down). We are trying to figure out what this means long term and he has options if he decides he does not like this specialty. He has a number of admissions including UT, Wash U and Syracuse.

They also responded to someones tweet on march 13 and said #18days soooo Im not great at math but pretty sure we can assume March 31st.

@waitinginnh22 if he has offers to architecture elsewhere he should strongly consider them. EPP is not at all useful or related.

Wait listed ! :frowning: 3.9 GPA and 1300 SAT ! anybody know what chances may be of getting accepted off the wait list later on ?!

2015-2016 0 admitted out of 1544 accepting wait list status
2014-2015 750 admitted out of 1587 accepting wait list status
2013-2014 0 admitted out of 1216 accepting wait list status
2012-2013 110 admitted out of 1367 accepting wait list status

2016-17 1,607 admitted off of wait list. They were more conservative in acceptances because more than expected accepted offers in 2015-16. Hence, no one came off wait list that year. I would expect some students to get admitted from the wait list this year…

Wow. Waitlist numbers are all over the place. Challenging for them.