<p>You came off really pretentious. Low scores/36 on the act, ya you’re smart but so what, what makes you stand out! You will get In but when filling out the essays don’t describe how smart you are because they aren’t looking for geniuses, they are looking for leaders.</p>
<p>An alumni from our school had a little less attractive application and was admitted into Harvard. Asian, upper middle class, National Geography Bee Winner, 240 PSAT (Merit Finalist), 100’s of community service hours, winner of a major $30,000 north Texas scholarship, 4.0 UW GPA. If he was accepted to Harvard, there is a very good chance you will as well. Wish you luck!</p>
<p>Thank you @LaDecimaRM </p>
<p>Bumping this</p>
<p>Just got 790 spanish with listening, does that help?</p>
<p>Isn’t National Geographic Bee only for 4-8th graders???</p>
<p>You’re probably in all schools except top tier Ivies.</p>
<p>Cambridge only cares about stats and doesn’t take in race. (very beneficial for Asians)
You only have 7 APs which is a bit low for Cambridge (I think you need 9 or 11)</p>
<p>I’m wondering about Cambridge: How can you get 2 interviews when you’re just applying to one major?
P.S: I got a Cambridge interview too</p>
<p>I guess Cambridge will be harder for your stats, because they generally accept very little non-GCE international students, and require some 3-5 AP 5s. If you have APs with 5s and have a good interview, then you’ll be fine. For US schools, if you understand that Stanford and all Ivies are hard to get in, you’re on too :)</p>
<p>Please stop obsessing over this. You will get into somewhere amazing. Anything above a 750 will help you, plus nobody really knows your chances except the admission people themselves. You sound very pretentious when you say 2290 is terrible and questioning a 790. Stat is not everything. You need to show that you are genuine in what you do besides being smart and amazing in everything. (And no, being president and officers of every club is not showing that you are genuine. It comes out in your essay and your personality via interviews) You need to calm down, please. I’ve been seeing this for days and days and you need to stop obsessing over this. Besides, you can’t do much about it. All I can see now is your acceptance letter to Dartmouth in two weeks. You shouldn’t applied ED when you wanted to go to HYP, Cambridge, and Stanford.</p>
<p>I was accepted Dartmouth ED, so I have to turn down all of these schools now. Thanks for the chances guys, it was a fun run, and I’m blessed to have been picked by an Ivy in this stressful app season.</p>
Wow. Congratulations on your achievement and edit your post to show where you got accepted (i’m hope you get accepted to your first choice if not all)
How did you get all these opportunities, like working with Skybox imaging?
What do you think about my junior year schedule?