<p>The wait is just awful! I'm reading all of the ED acceptances and It's killing me! How are we reg. apps. suppose to wait 'til April????? There should definitely be a way to decrease the stress, problem is, I haven't found it yet!!!!!</p>
<p>go watch simpsons....
my recommendation is season 7...its amazing!</p>
<p>Yeah, there's been alot of Family Guy!</p>
<p>Do any of the current kenyon students know if kenyon sends their notifications out a few days, or heck a few weeks early? Thanks!</p>
<p>I think last year people started getting letters on the 28th of March.</p>
<p>I talked to Kenyon admissions staffer this morning. She told me that they will be mailing the decisions this Friday, March 24.</p>
<p>yeah...they are definitely sending out the decisions by the end of this week.</p>
<p>Hah, I am leaving to go on my Kenyon visit the morning of the 26th and then were doing other traveling so i won't be home until April 1st. Looks like I have a few more weeks of waiting ahead.</p>
<p>Haha, wouldn't it be funny (and sucky) if i left for a Kenyon visit on the 26th and got a rejection letter on the 27th, lol. </p>
<p>God, I hope that doesn't happen, but if it does i will post about it so you can all have a good laugh.</p>
<p>All right, just to lighten up the atmosphere here a bit, I would like to share my embarassing Kenyon experience with you guys out there!!</p>
<p>On my first Kenyon interview with Dean Britz, I pronounce Kenyon as "KenYON" (like ion) instead of "KenYEN". Yep, it was so embarassing when Ms Britz corrected me - in a subtle way of course. :)</p>
<p>Oh, that is too funny! I'm sure she won't hold it against you. I've heard their offices + people are really nice there.
Just think when you get in, you can call it "KenYON" (like ion) all you want and it will be your signature!!!!!</p>
<p>The students will give you **** ;)</p>
<p>:D Yep, haha and not only that, I have problems pronouncing Claremont McKenna (both words... Kenna is tricky though especially when you come from a multi-lingual society) and Mcgill too (list of schools you are intending to apply to). Yeah, I mean I called it MacGill and MacKenna. ;) Thanks to that "magical M" fast food chain. </p>
<p>And yes, American names are hard to pronounce in my opinion. So KenYEN can be mistaken as KenYON. LOL. I mean you pronounce ion as ion and not ian/iron and Zion as Zion and not Zi-en. But then again, you pronounce "Lion" as "Li-en" and not "Li-on". Isn't English strange? :D</p>
<p>Well, now we have nothing to worry about but waiting over the weekend to get that "special" letter in the mail sometime next week. It would be better sooner or later, but of course, this is it.
Good Luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Hey dzblonde999, I really do hope you are in Kenyon's Class of 2010! It will be so awesome to have you as a classmate! :)</p>
<p>Good Luck!!</p>
<p>Thanks alot. It really is where I want to be in the fall. After Dean Britz's NY times article, I have a little more hope.</p>
<p>You are a guy?! Haha, I have always thought you are a gal from the word "blonde"... ;)</p>
<p>Anyway, for those of you interested in statistics,
Number of applicants received this year: 4248
Number of applicants accepted: 1370
Selectivity: 32.2%!!</p>
<p>Anyway, I have just met up with a Kenyon Alumni and oh boy, was he nice!</p>
<p>By the way, this year Kenyon accepted more students than the class of 2009... which means the class of 2010 should be bigger than the class of 2009... Talk about those housing shortages, over-enrolled class...</p>
<p>My best friend got into Colby last night, but because of their housing shortages they're having about 50 freshman start abroad! She would be in spain, but other people would be in France, etc. I hope Kenyon doesn't have to do something like that.</p>
<p>Got RD package today. I live in Mt Vernon. Oh
Now its decison time. (postmark 3/24)</p>
<p>Are you serious?!?! I mean of course you are, but OMG!</p>