<p>Everybody knows that when you go to college you have the oppertunity to reinvent yourself. Nobody know who your were, what kind of person you were, even what you you choose to wear. So the question is this. Are you planning on reinventing yourself when you get to college and if so who will you reinvent yourself into?</p>
<p>I definently plan on reinventing myself.
Currently as a high school student I would say that I'm a hardcore nerd. I hang with people who play magic and talk in 1337. I study way to much and and i never get enough sleep.</p>
<p>I hope that in college, I will choose my friends more carefully and that I can attain more academically motivated peers. That's why I am looking forward to honors so much! I also plan on being more socially and politically active, both things that were hindered thanks to all these bloody AP test.</p>
<p>Basically, I’m going to go back to what I was doing in 9th grade before everything got messed up. Hanging out with people. But I’ll dress like I do now, because it’s awesome.</p>
<p>"Wait in high school ur a nerd, but in college u want to be in honors and find friends more academically motivated…</p>
<p>Isnt that like the same? Sorry no offense intended. "</p>
<p>It’s cool man.</p>
<p>So far the results I have seen for being a high school nerd are friends that are either incredibly stupid or smart friends who are not out going in the least and only talks about nerdy things like science. Ya…I would prefer to not be in that situation again.</p>
<p>I’m going to boarding school in the fall… So, basically the same concept.
A little bit.
These kids won’t know me and have preconcieved notions, so no, I’m not reinventing myself… I like who I am right now. But who I was BEFORE won’t have nearly any effect on my new peers’ perception of me. yay.</p>
<p>Well, I’m going to be open about my sexuality in college, but no, other than that, I’m happy with the music I listen to, the clothes I wear, the extent of my nerdiness, etc.</p>
<p>Can’t wait to be “out”, though. Would’ve done it in high school except I’ve been in denial and it would be wierd to tell people now that I’m never going to see again.</p>
<p>“^^Reinventing oneself is much more of an external rather than internal change. It means to change the outside perception the public has of you.”</p>
<p>That was exactly what I was trying to say haha. Thx</p>