Reject Train Going Full Speed

Also, Case does accept applications for Spring admission, even from first-year students. (October 1st deadline) I don’t know if they make spring offers to fall applicants, as some schools do? But that might also be something for your GC to float with them - maybe they would be more receptive to making you a Spring 2020 offer, knowing that you should have your green card by then? Or worst case you could reapply for Spring as a domestic applicant if you have your residency ducks in a row by the end of September. Obviously just getting in for this fall would be ideal, but it’s worth thinking about whether you’d prefer a “gap semester” to a full gap year, or whether you’d rather just start in the fall with the next entering class even if it means waiting a full year.

That is great news about FA at Case. Finger crossed… I hope your GC is able to make a compelling case in your favor.

@bluebayou Yes…in fact he asked me that before he called. He said he knew my AO really well :slight_smile: hopefully something may work out.

I really hope this works out for you. Then you can make a go fund me page or the like to make up the difference.

@Knowsstuff Thanks! I’m not really thinking of a gofundme; there are a lot more people that actually need it and $1500 is something my parents and I can pay in a year (work, etc).

There is another thread on CC about some merit possibilities at Alabama. Bama is still accepting applications from high stat students. FYI.

Re: #385 lists the scholarships at University of Alabama. You would need to figure out how to pay for living expenses and other costs, since that would not be covered by Presidential Scholarship that you appear to qualify for, if they are still offering them as rumored in the thread linked in #385. lists room and board at $13,402, and estimates $6,600 of other costs (books, transportation, miscellaneous).

I forget theOP’s stats but if it a 4.0 then huntsvile I believe gives housing but I don’t know whether that applies for DACA and whether it is still open.

Fingers crossed for you, HKim!

Agree that @hkimpossible qualifies for presidential scholarship at U of Alabama, but room and board would be unaffordable, similar to UIC…unless Alabama awards hkim need based aid.

At UAH hkim qualifies for charger excellence award (my understanding is that UAH uses weighted GPA to determine this award). Charger excellence includes 2 years housing, so that leaves board for 4 years and room/board for 2 years as the portion for which hkim would still require need based aid.

Both schools seem to still be accepting apps, but my understanding is that both schools would be unlikely to meet 100% of hkim’s need. But, hkim and/or his GC could contact each school tomorrow to ask these questions. Both applications are relatively easy and quick to complete.

Both of these schools will become affordable if/when hkim gets his green card—which then opens up pell grant and federal direct student loan programs, as well as giving hkim the ability to work at more jobs, earning money during the school years and summers.

Any word on Berea, @HKimPOSSIBLE?

@Mwfan1921 - UAH Charger excellence changed this year, they no longer provide housing unless you have a 36 ACT or 1600 SAT (Not superscored).

@HKimPOSSIBLE Just read on another thread that the U of Alabama is still accepting applications and is still giving merit awards!!! Please apply and see what kind of scholarship you qualify for!!! (If this is true!)

^I think it’d still be too expensive for OP. OP would need a 36 ACT to qualify for the top scholarship which would make UAlabama affordable, and he has a … 35.

Maybe worth a shot. Perhaps they would like another 35.

Not to mention how much it costs to get from Illinois to Alabama.

@Mwfan1921 is right on with UA. The tuition is great, but room and board is expensive on it’s own.

As for Berea…I did not get an interview from them for some reason and I read that it was something they tried to offer. Yikes. I know they’re rolling admissions so fingers crossed I be hearing good news.

Fingers crossed for Berea. My son and I visited a couple of weeks ago and I was really impressed with all of the resources they have to offer. They have so many supports in place to help low income students succeed.

Wow h. When did berea materialize? Commitment to service at its core. You would be so good for them and they would be good for you. .

Jumping in late to agree with what milee (and maybe someone else?) said about the green card not being the only thing that may be at issue here. We dont know how hkim really matched himself.

Correct, the green card just makes him federal aid eligible. He still needs to get into the schools and having a 35 ACT and being in the top 10% of the class just makes him eligible but it not a sure thing.

It’s also time to start working and getting paid for it. The biggest benefit of a DACA card is that it comes with a SSN and the right to work. Working at a relative’s restaurant so that she ‘helps’ the family isn’t going to cut it. that’s being paid under the table and not fair to all the students who have to report their income on their FAFSAs. HKim could afford to go to one of the Alabama schools if he worked to pay room and board.