Rejected by UC Davis, should I be worried about other UCs?

I had pretty average stats for getting into UC Davis and I’m pretty heartbroken that I didn’t get in (both of my parents went there and wanted me to get in).
Should I be worried for the others I applied to?

UC Santa Cruz
UC Irvine
Santa Clara (Not a UC, I know)

GPA: 3.89
SAT: 1290, 730 English, 550 Math
Good ECs, good essays.

Thank you for your help.

Please help! I’m very worried about this.

A rejection from one UC does not guarantee the same decision for the rest. Each UC has their own criteria for reviewing applicants.

Based only your stats, UCSC looks like the most likely UC that you have a good chance at an acceptance.

UCI is very GPA focused so depending upon your major a 4.0+ is probably needed to for a solid chance.

Are these the only schools you applied? Do you have a safety school?

@Gumbymom I applied to Sonoma State, Chico State, Cal Poly, UCI, UCSC, UCD, and Santa Clara.
I’m applying as a Political Science major.
I’ve already gotten into Sonoma and Chico, but I don’t want to go to either, so I’m hoping for a UC.

UC Santa Cruz does high an acceptance, by your stats I think you have a good shot. Also UC calculators GPA differently so just look up UC GPA admission calulator, they go by that GPA.

This is coming from someone who got waitlisted for UC Davis.

The point of applying to a variety of schools especially safety schools is that you pick schools you are willing to attend. A Safety school is not a safety if you are not willing to attend, so if you are not accepted to any other schools are you willing to attend Sonoma or Chico? Which Cal Poly? SLO or Pomona?

@Gumbymom SLO

I had a 3.8 and a 1440 SAT, and I got waitlisted too
I think honestly it was my lower GPA
My essays were mediocre
But my EC were adequate

Got rejected, with a 4.2 GPA, 1390 SAT, decent essays, not even waitlisted. Anyone else get accepted, waitlisted, rejected with those scores?

I got accepted, I had a lower SAT but I topped 10th grade in india, my TOEFL score is 109/120, amazing EC and pretty good essays. Hopefully I will get into UCB and/or UCLA

As already mentioned, it depends on the major. The more impacted majors such as computer science, engineering, biology will require a UC GPA > than the avg. for UCD; UCI; UCSB, which is probably > 4.1. Less impacted majors like political science applicants might get in with a little lower GPA, say maybe <4.1 or maybe even a 3.9.

Make sure you are calculating your UC GPA correctly.

Not all high school weighted classes are given an extra bump in GPA by the UCs. To look up which classes at your high school get the extra bump, go to

Irvine, probably not but, i think Santa Cruz is 60/40 in your favor. In any event, it looks like you will have several good options to explore.

Good luck

my stats are really similar to yours and i also got rejected from davis but accepted into UCSD :slight_smile: don’t worry too much, each UC looks at different things

How di you do with UCSC?

@Goolia66 I got waitlisted :frowning: