Should I Be Concerned About My Chances?

I know, I know, students ask this one question all the time, but I just can’t help it.

I just recently got rejected by UC Davis, and I was really looking forward to my decision. I couldn’t help feeling this pit of disappointment and worry in my stomach.

Now, I have applied to safeties, targets, and reaches to ensure that I would get in somewhere, but my dream school was any one of the 4 midtier UCs, whether it was Irvine (although that is my top choice since I am within its service area), San Diego, Santa Barbara, or Davis.

Suddenly, after this one rejection, I am left feeling concerned even though I should probably stay calm. Could anyone ensure me that I’m still in the game, per say?

Here are my stats:
Applied Major: Computer Science or Computer Engineering depending on competition in colleges

SAT: 1540

Weighted GPA: around a 4.26, but I’m never completely certain

Unweighted: about 3.89 I think

Subject Tests: 800 Math 2, 730 Chemistry

AP Tests: 4 Chem, 4 Physics, 3 Computer Science

Extracurriculars: 60+ hours volunteering at an engineering firm, some library volunteering, treasurer of Computational Linguistics Club, participates in Math Olympiad club, loves to draw during free time, does some sports outside of school

Other: Top 10% of CA, but not of my high school since students here are crazy competitive!

The list of schools I have applied to are the following:
Cal Poly Pomona (accepted), SJSU (accepted), Cal Poly SLO (waitlisted), UCs: Riverside (accepted), Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Davis, Irvine, San Diego, Berkeley, LA

Thanks in advance! Here’s to hoping!

You have excellent stats but you have also applied to one of the most competitive majors at these schools being CS or CPE. You are still in the running for the rest of the UC’s. Although academic stats are very important, your EC’s and essays could play a larger part in your admission chances for the UC’s. You have some very good options so far especially SJSU for CS or is it CPE? and it really does not matter where you go for Undergrad, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful. Best of luck.

I got into SJSU for CS. Thank you for your input, it makes me feel a bit better.