Rejected from all the UCs i applied to

<p>Got my tenth rejection letter and still haven’t got into any of the schools I applied yet…there are only six of them left…five ivys…no hope left…even then-I-thought safety schools rejected me…I am a fine student I think…I am not That bad …i m sure i will do well at college…but why won’t they accept me? I am so tired of asking myself the same question again and again and again …and I have no answer…my SATs are all fine…2300 in SAT 1 and 2390 in SAT 2…my transcripts have no problems…good recommendations…but still…still…I get into NO schools yet…I am freaking out…</p>

<p>guaranteeing admission to eligible students is true.</p>

<p>my friend got rejected to all the ucs he applied to (he didn’t apply to riverside), and he got into riverside</p>

<p>cottito, looking at your stats, you seem like an excellent student.</p>

<p>much better than i am.</p>

<p>don’t base your self worth on college acceptances/rejections
To “allow other people’s assessment of you to determine your own self-assessment is a very big mistake” - lee bollinger (Columbia University president )</p>

<p>keep your head up
you’ll do fine wherever you go</p>

<p>thz…I am juz freaking out…thz really</p>

<p>youll get a letter from Merced likely.</p>

<p>Dont count on getting one from rside this year since i heard from ppl in admission this year rside had its lowest admission rate</p>

<p>UC Merced is guaranteeing acceptance to UC-eligible applicants this year (Fall 2010). Those who are UC-eligible and not accepted to any of the UCs they have applied will be forwarded to Merced’s referral pool and will likely receive acceptances in late April (Merced will be verifying UC-eligibility prior to issuing acceptance, thus the late date). Students in the referral pool will have a rolling SIR deadline and not be bound to the May 1 SIR deadline (for freshman applicants).</p>

<p>I received this information over the phone while talking to the Merced admissions office. You can call the Merced admissions office directly at (209) 228-4682 or (866) 270-7301 (toll free in California).</p>

<p>cottitoo if you are international, some posts may not apply.</p>

<p>apply to UC Merced…</p>

<p>I believe that there is still time…</p>

<p>call them tomorrow about this…</p>