<p>I am currently taking a year off. Last year I applied to several schools, and was not accepted at my top choice, Columbia, so I deferred my admission a year at Amherst College. This year I applied again to Columbia, early decision, and was accepted. So how do I tell Amherst that I no longer plan to attend next year?</p>
<p>When you deferred your admission to Amherst, did you promise to attend after your gap year? If so, your applying ED to Columbia may cause you to lose your acceptance to Columbia and to Amherst. Both colleges also may punish your school by not accepting any students from your high school for quite a while. They also may call up your GC and blame her/him.</p>
<p>If you were able to get a deferral without promising to attend next year, just write them a polite letter telling them that you've decided to go to Columbia.</p>
<p>No, it was not a binding contract. If it had been then I wouldn't have bothered to defer a year at Amherst in the first place.</p>
<p>I would just write to them and tell them thank you, you appreciate the offer but your plans have changed. Let them know asap so they can open a spot for someone else.</p>
<p>Dear my major safety Amherst,
It is my regret to inform you that after serious consideration, I am unable to sell myself short to attend your college. Your college profile has been seriously reviewed and was given full consideration. Please understand that the applicant admitting process is extremely competitive and you have lost.
Soon to be columbian</p>
<p>Send them a polite note as soon as possible. An example:</p>
<p>"Dear Admissions Officers:
Thank you for accepting me and for allowing me to defer my admission until next year.
After careful consideration, I have decided to attend Columbia University.
I appreciate very much your kindness.</p>
(full name, student iD #)."</p>
<p>Do send this quickly because you may be making a space for some student who'd be delighted to attend Amherst.</p>
<p>Please don't take the suggestions to send a sarcastic note. After all, Amherst was nice enough to accept you and to allow you to defer. No reason to insult them.</p>
<p>I suggest letting them know the offer that you accepted because colleges usually want to know what colleges they lose admits to.</p>
<p>that is supposed to be a joke...a rejection letter mocking that of which colleges sent to applicants</p>