<p>Alright-- so I got my rejection letter from my first choice school yesterday.. needless to say, I'm feeling pretty bad about myself. I didn't get in for freshman year, and now I got rejected again. And the sick part is-- I'm already planning my application for next year. If I call the school and ask to talk with my admissions counc. will they give me an idea of why they did not accept me? Any ideas?</p>
<p>wat school? what's ur GPa?</p>
<p>uchicago </p>
<p>about 3.7-3.8 </p>
<p>i'm taking stat, calculus, history, and sociology right now..</p>
<p>Sorry to hear that you got rejected. You got a letter so quickly. What part of the country are you from? I'm still waiting for a response from Uchicago myself.</p>
<p>I am still waiting for uchicago, as well. I hope I wasn't rejected... I have a 3.73.</p>
<p>wow that's a good gpa...what is your major? and are you a resident of illinois?</p>
<p>i'm still waiting for chicago too... so anxious...</p>
<p>What are your stats mikekobe?</p>
<p>freshman at nyu
first sem gpa 4.0, dean's list
sat 1340 800m+540v
act 30
ap: phy c:mech 5/chem 5/microecon 5/macroecon 4/cal bc 4/cs ab 2=p</p>
<p>what else do you wanna know?</p>
<p>why are you transfering out of nyu? i applied to transfer into the school of social work.</p>
<p>cas in nyu is not that good, at least not as good as other divisions in nyu
i wanna go somewhere more competitive</p>
<p>do you know anything about the school of social work?</p>
<p>as far as i know, most students in the school of social work are graduates.
in the fall 2005 class registration book, i can only find less than 10 undergrad courses offered by ssw.</p>
<p>wow that's a really high gpa...... i'm sorry to hear that....
how many other schools are you waiting to hear from?</p>
<p>i'm also waiting to hear from chicago... but my hopes aren't high....</p>
<p>keep me updated on your other schools :)</p>
<p>it's not difficult to get a high gpa in college of nyu i can say, grade inflation is so serious in many classes
i'm also waiting for uw-madison, cornell, columbia, yale, stanford, penn, uva</p>
<p>what major are you, mikekobe?</p>
<p>i'm doing math and computer science here in nyu, but i may change cs to something else when i leave nyu
what about u, onyeee? i saw u in so many posts! what schools are you applying?</p>
<p>humm. i didn't know there were so few courses. they offer a undergrad program in social work-- so i thought there would be a lot more classes. the thing that attracted me is they give you a msw with only one more year of schooling-- i had heard really good things about the masters program but nothing about the undergrad program..</p>
<p>yea, most students there are masters and doctors</p>